Knowledge and Impression

October 17, 2008 · Posted in Assignments, Hassam's New York 

This week you will look at Hassam impressions of New York City and then go to the field (i.e. New York City streets) and find the spot where the artist stood to paint the picture. You will take a photograph with your new camera, your phone, or your computer and post it on the web along side the original painting and explain to us why the two match. You may use what you learned about perspective such as the distance, size of the object, vanishing points, and also your forensic knowledge, in reconstructing the past in a new modern environment. If the paintings on this site do not appeal to you, you may go to the City museum of New York and take a picture of another painting you wanted to research.

The physical locations of the paintings by Hassam are:

At the Metropolitan museum: (There are 2 on the second floor in the America wing)

At the City of New York Museum:

At New York Historical society:

You can also consult a book

Hassam’s New York by Ilene Susan Fort (Attached are Jpeg files of some of the paintings.)

Broad Streetbrooklyn bridge2Brooklyn Bridgeheart of the cityStewart MensionUnion square2Union square

You have a week and a day until the 24th to complete this assignment.

Next week we meet on 35W 67th at 10:30, for a presentation by Liz Wolf. Please do not be late.

[Note from Brooks] Please post your responses under the category “Hassam’s New York.” Use the Flickr tool (red/blue circles next to “Visual” above the text box) to add your images (and save us space!).


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