On-line assignment for 9/4

August 28, 2008 · Posted in Assignments 

Post a short response to these Questions:
O.   What does Art mean?
1.    What is your favorite art form?
2.    What is your favorite historical period?
3.    What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
4.    Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
5.    How would you rate your writing skills?

Write a paragraph or a poem titled: “Self portrait” or post a photograph/image of yourself


43 Responses to “On-line assignment for 9/4”

  1. bhefner on August 30th, 2008 12:18 pm

    Quick suggestion for everyone. Right now, we don’t have the ability for you to directly upload pictures in the comments (I’m working on it). However, if there’s a picture of you already housed online somewhere (Flickr, for example), you can embed that picture right here. These comment boxes are “smart” - they can read HTML code. So, if I wanted to post this picture of Marcel Proust:

    All I have to do is find the URL for the image itself (hint: it should end in the extension “jpg”) and write a very simple line of HTML code that looks like this:

    <img src="http://www.knowledgerush.com/wiki_image/2/23/MarcelProust.jpg">

    Those folks already familiar with HTML will know that you can adjust the size, placement, and other elements of these images - and that you can also embed things like video, etc. right here as well.

    If you’re having trouble getting an image up, don’t hesitate to email me (address on the sidebar), just don’t email me in a panic at the last minute.

  2. oweinroth on August 30th, 2008 10:40 pm


    Thursday the 4th we will meet at the Metropolitan museum educational entrance across form 81st street. There is a little bit of construction, so the door is not visible until you are right there. Bring your pass, pen, paper and your camera, if you like. If you have your computer with you, it will have to be checked in. See you there.



  3. ernest.pysher on August 31st, 2008 4:42 pm

    O. What does Art mean?
    Art for me is expression. Thus art can be language or words or a statue or a toilet. At the same time, art can be understood by no one but the artist himself and it will still be art just as a million people can view it a million different ways and they will all be right and no one can be wrong.

    1. What is your favorite art form?
    Impressionistic paintings, but i can easily be converted.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    World War II.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    History and Political Science are my main strengths academically. Non-academically I excel in theater and basketball.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    Sub-par. I write very unconventionally and that sometimes gets me by but i lack coherency in my arguments and more importantly i lack structure.

    /Users/ernestpysher/Desktop/Photo 3.jpg

  4. ernest.pysher on August 31st, 2008 4:42 pm

    lol, that sad attempt at incorporating a picture is identical to my gravatar, so uh, just go by that.

  5. heather.smith on August 31st, 2008 5:29 pm

    1) What does at mean?

    Art is the expression of emotion. It’s the physical representation of the artist’s need to depict to their audience their unique viewpoint of an object, a person, a place or an idea. Good art engages its audience and elicits a strong emotional response.

    2) What is my favorite art form?

    In the large scope of the term “art”, I adore poetry. But, if we are talking about visual art, I love photography. I love that good photography can take something so average and insignificant and give it a theme and a message.

    3) What is my favorite historical period?

    I am a SUCKER for anything on Tudor England. (Though Showtime has butchered the story on The Tudors. Tsk tsk.) Though my love for the novel Gone With the Wind makes the Civil War also very intriguing for me.

    4) What is my academic/non-academic strength?

    Academically, I would say English and anything involving discussion/writing would be my strength.
    Non-academically, I feel I am very good at communicating with people. That sounds like a weird strength, but if someone wants to talk and solve a problem, I’m your woman.

    5) Do I feel comfortable with new technologies?

    Even though my new Mac scared me, I took to it really fast. I can usually figure out any new technology on my new if I have a few hours and the Internet to research it.

    6) How would I rate my writing skills?

    I’ve always gotten excellent grades on papers and creative writing projects. In fact, if I wasn’t so set on a financially stable existence, I would love to write poetry for a living.

    (As you can see below, photography took this average panda hat and made it awesome!)

  6. heather.smith on August 31st, 2008 5:33 pm

    Damn…..that last joke would have been funny is my picture had actually shown up!

  7. ernest.pysher on August 31st, 2008 8:11 pm

    lol, good point on art in the large scheme of things though– in the large scheme my favorite art form is theater. I did a lot of acting in high school (tied my school’s record for most performances) and think its a great blend of many art forms.

  8. theresa.raniolo on August 31st, 2008 11:31 pm

    1. Art means whatever it evokes in its viewer. For something to be art, I think it needs to be able to establish a relationship with people by arousing emotion within them, enabling viewers to establish a personal connection with the art form. Among many other ideas and messages, I think you can always find yourself reflected in legitimate art.
    I also think art is like a conduit to our deepest thoughts and feelings, while it can also provide us with an escape from those same thoughts and feelings.

    2. My favorite art form is dance because of how powerful it can be to see the human body pushed to its limits while still maintaining its beauty. It connects musical and visual forms of art through the physical movements of the body.

    3. My favorite historical period is post-revolution Russia, as portrayed in the books of Aleksander Solzhenitsyn. He depicts a society in which survival was a struggle, and trustworthiness was scarce. His own life and the courage he had to write novels that were critical of his government are a testament to what people can be capable of and to the power of the written word.

    4. My academic strength is analytical writing. I love history and literature, so it’s easy for me to invest a lot of time and enthusiasm into thinking and writing about it. Non-academically, I love to dance and draw/paint.

    5. I don’t really feel comfortable with new technologies, unless someone shows me how to use them properly. If I feel like I am wasting my time trying to figure out for hours what someone else could accomplish in minutes, I get frustrated and try to think of an old-fashioned alternative.

    6. I think my writing skills are alright, but since I want to go into the media field, I think I need to work on developing my ideas more fully and more effectively.

  9. theresa.raniolo on August 31st, 2008 11:40 pm

  10. theresa.raniolo on August 31st, 2008 11:51 pm

    oh well…see above #5

  11. oweinroth on September 1st, 2008 1:36 pm

    Gombrich in “Art and Illusion” tells us that:

    Language grows by introducing new words, but language consisting only of new words and new syntax would be indistinguishable from gibberish. (p. 274)
    To evoke emotions in others the artist must give us a reference point. As Theresa tells us of her need for a skill, a good artist must have to communicate with his audience: the ability to develop an idea effectively so it can be understood with minimum of effort by the viewer.
    Most great art shifts our point of view, allow us a new perspective on our world, it also reinforces our humanity, and thus can evoke an emotional response, not only a rational interpretation.
    “Art itself becomes the innovator’s instrument for probing reality.” (Gombrich p.275)

  12. mya.marshall on September 1st, 2008 2:47 pm

    What does Art mean?
    Art means a number of things. It is an ever changing way of expressing ones feelings or beliefs. Art is creative, and in a way always abstract as the meaning of art changes among creators and viewers based on different interpretations. There is really no wrong or right within art. It is a way to say things that cannot really be said, to reflect, and to just let out emotions that may be locked away.

    What is your favorite art form?
    My favorite art form would have to be writing. It amazes me how much can be conveyed with words, and how a subtle change in diction can completely alter the authors meaning, as well as how the writing is interpreted. With writing you somehow can feel the passion and intensity that could not otherwise be felt with spoken word.

    What is your favorite historical period?
    I think that WWII is my favorite historical period. I’m not sure why, but I think it has a lot to do with my Jewish/Israeli heritage. I guess I just feel this connection to the time with the Holocaust and all and find it very interesting to learn about. However, in terms of the time period related to art I don’t think I know very much, if anything, about it. If I were to choose a favorite period for art, I think I’d pick the impressionist movement, with Claude Monet being one of my favorite artists from the time.

    What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    Both my academic and non-academic strengths are writing, but in different ways. In the non-academic sense, creative writing is my strength and also what I plan on majoring in. I find myself producing stronger work with time and experience. In the academic sense, writing has become my strength probably due to my interest in writing in general. Although writing essays and answering questions for assignments are not as creative as a poem or screenplay, academic writing is a place for me to practice general writing skills, techniques, and just strengthen my writing as a whole.

    Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    Sometimes I feel comfortable with new technologies. I am normally not the most open person to change, so I can be hesitant, such as when I found out that we’d be getting macs from Macaulay, when I’m a pc girl. But I think that I normally adapt pretty well/quickly to new forms of technology.

    How would you rate your writing skills?
    I would rate my writing skills pretty well, even though I know that I have so much to improve on. I know a lot of my weaknesses, and I know that there are some that I have and am not yet aware of. At the same time, there are certain things that I’m really confident that I can accomplish very well.

  13. ilirjan.gjonbalaj on September 1st, 2008 3:23 pm

    O. What does Art mean?

    Apparently, each person can have their own definition of art. In it’s most basic form, I think “Art” is simply a way of using our visual and auditory senses to portray what we feel or imagine. Most of the time, we create “Art” by sculpting, painting, composing music or just doodling. Other times, we can find “Art” in nature by examining the bulb of a tulip or the symmetry of a snowflake. Wherever it may be, “Art” is a way for us to hear or see an Artist’s emotions and imagination.

    1. What is your favorite art form?

    My favorite art form would probably have to be music.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    Colonial America.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?

    My academic strengths fall on the math/science side of things. On the other side, cooking up an awesome grilled cheese sandwich, playing video games and swimming are just a few of my non-academic strengths.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    Although I may be a bit confused when I’m introduced to new technologies, I can get used to them relatively quickly.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    I can express my thoughts pretty clearly. But, it’s definitely nothing that would make an English professor go crazy.

  14. noa.krawczyk on September 1st, 2008 7:06 pm

    What does Art mean?

    I think that “art” is simply any form of work whose purpose is to deliver a message and to create a mood in its viewers through any of the five senses.

    What is your favorite art form?

    My favorite art form is definitely dance. Not only do i enjoy dancing as a hobby but i think that the art of dance is different than any other kind. Unlike visual art, written art, or even music, dance is the only type of artistic expression that is delivered through use of the body. Since our bodies are such an essential part of human nature, dance can successfully portray actions, ideas, and especially emotions to a viewing audience. I think that it is amazing how capable our bodies are of performing extremely difficult tasks when trained correctly. Most importantly, i love that there are endless types of dance that range in technique, musical accompaniment, style, and rhythm, and which largely reflect the culture that they were developed in.

    What is your favorite historical period?

    I don’t have a specific favorite historical period, but I am very interested in history that took place in areas that had not yet been affected by western influences. Some examples are the era of China’s several dynasties in Eastern Asia, the empire of the Incas in pre-Colombian America, and the period of the Kingdom of the ancient Egyptians.

    What is your academic/ non-academic strength?

    My best academic strength is probably that i study a lot. I am very organized in my school work and very rarely procrastinate. Since i know that i am a very slow reader and writer I make sure to give myself enough time to do my work so that I don’t become stressed towards a test or deadline.
    My non academic strength is that I often like to take initiative in organizing social or extracurricular movements and events.

    Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?

    I think that for the most part I do feel comfortable with new technologies since I learn how to use them relatively easily. However, for many academic situations i prefer to just use “old school” methods such as taking notes on a notebook, or reading articles and books on paper.

    How would you rate your writing skills?
    I would rate my writing skills as relatively good but definitely needing improvement. Though my grammar for the most part has few problems, i often have difficulty expressing my thoughts in a concise and organized manner.

  15. mikaela.murph on September 1st, 2008 7:59 pm

    What does Art mean?
    For me, Art is the purest form of expression that picks up where words fail. It is so subjective because art has the ability to be transformed and integrated into our own experiences. It is the manifestation of the artist’s emotions and thoughts which can be internalized differently depending on the person.

    What is your favorite art form?
    I would be torn between music and photography. Both send my imagination into overdrive.

    What is your favorite historical period?
    Erm….the early 19th century.

    What is your academic/non-academic strength?
    I would say writing and science are my academic strengths. I enjoy history as well. Outside of those, I am endowed with the magical gift of sarcasm, I am an “artiste”, aaaand I am a master googler.

    Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    Usually I jump head first into them, and then right before I break it I realize that I don’t know what I’m doing. At which point I look for the instruction booklet. I would say, yes, very comfortable.

    How would you rate your writing skills?
    Well…I did really well in my AP English class and on the test, and I can BS my way out of a paper bag…4 stars!

  16. michelle.pelan on September 2nd, 2008 1:34 pm

    0. What does Art mean?
    Art is any expression of one’s feelings, emotions, thoughts, or ideas. It is a portrayal of how one perceives the world and everything included in it. Art is a way of communicating things which can be difficult to put into words or even things which transcend words.

    1. What is your favorite art form?
    My favorite art form is the performing arts. I love watching performers act, sing, play instruments, or dance. I wish I was more talented in any of these areas because I love witnessing the beauty and effort of these artists come together in a play or song or dance performance.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    My favorite historical periods are the civil rights movement and the woman’s rights movement. I am a firm believer in equal rights and treatment for all people so I enjoy learning how African Americans and women fought, and eventually gained, their rights. While the struggle for equality continues today, these movements were major breakthroughs in democracy.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    My academic strength is math, although I don’t like it or plan to pursue it. I work hard, though, so if I put in the effort, I can do well in other areas.
    My non-academic strengths are athletics. I love sports, especially softball. I also like to write.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    I am not comfortable at all with new technologies unless I am taught how to use them. I do not understand any technological terms and am in no way “computer savvy.”

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    I would say that my writing skills are decent. There is always room for improvement, but I enjoy writing so I write with care. I feel that I need to expand my vocabulary, but for the most part, my writing skills are adequate.

  17. ernest.pysher on September 2nd, 2008 4:51 pm

    I wanted to touch on weinroth’s post. That in order to expand a genre, be it art or language, one needs to take from the old in order to create new. I have some complaint with this though.

    For my argument i shall stick to basketball. “Pistol” Pete Maravich revolutionized basketball when he learned the fundamentals so well that he decided to go above and beyond, he invented trick moves left and right. Many of the “fundamental” trick moves of today are his inventions.

    And this is a prime example of Gombrich’s example (for i consider, much like the comment about dance, that the training basketball players submit their body too allows them to reach an artistic level in their effort to put a ball through a hoop), but at the same time, one cannot be estranged in basketball. These moves are legal because they follow the rules. With Modern Art it is very conceivable that the artist followed his predecessors in his creations but he estranged himself from the public and this has caused many people to not see where Modern Art is coming from or why it is art at all. Its like a man in basketball taking 4 steps in order to do a move when youre only allowed 2. And if the artist does not care about estranging the public and is only worried about making art for himself then he deserves the criticism he gets and i simply dont see why he doesnt just lock himself up in a room and make things? Unless he needs money, in which case he should be doing something a little more stable anyway.

    Sorry for the curtness, Modern Art seems out of left field for me, a viewer, once you get past the original innovators.

  18. michelle.pelan on September 2nd, 2008 8:54 pm

    I am now attempting to upload a picture of myself. I don’t know if it will work.

  19. oweinroth on September 2nd, 2008 9:26 pm

    Dear Ernest,

    Your basketball player innovative moves are within the rules of the game. As in Art viewing, we are able to derive pleasure from the art work/game, because we know the rules, thus breaking the rules is as pleasing as long as the goal is to capture our attention and offer us a different perspective of our reality. When playing the game if the player (artist) surprises us and the opponent, with new moves, he is sure to win our admiration and the game. As to “private art” we will cover that topic in a week.

  20. oweinroth on September 2nd, 2008 9:55 pm

    Copland struggled with the need to offer tribute to his elders:the American composers who were his teachers. Still he felt that he must reject their artistic authority since it did not allow him to become as good an artist as the continental composers who were free to invent new rules and a new tradition.
    There is a fine line between rejecting the past and competing with it. Most artists in the 1920-40’s strove to create masterpieces, not a fashionable statement. Still the American music schools feared conflict and change, and to some degree still do. For more discussion on the topic check “Music and Imagination”; the chapter on “The Composer in Industrial America” p.96-109

  21. diana.duque on September 2nd, 2008 10:09 pm

    O. What does Art mean?
    Art is a creative form of expression, it doesn’t necessarily have to be visual, it just has to appeal to the senses in some way.

    1. What is your favorite art form?
    I don’t really know much about art but if I had to choose a favorite It would probably be abstract art just because it really grabs my attention.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    My favorite historical period is the roaring twenties.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    My academic strength has usually been math, although I don’t particularly love it.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    Overall, I do feel comfortable with new technologies, they may be difficult at first but they tend to make things easier.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    I wouldn’t say I’m a poor writer but I definitely feel its something I could improve, I don’t think I do a well enough job expressing my ideas clearly.


  22. aliza.lieb on September 2nd, 2008 11:14 pm

    O. What does art mean?
    In the dictionary, art is defined as the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. Basically, it is a way of expressing oneself in a way that is pleasing and beautiful to the senses. It can be a painting, a song, a poem, a sculpture, or anything of the sort. It is not easy to put boundaries on what art is or can be.

    1. What is your favorite art form?
    My favorite art forms are paintings, written poems, and theater.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    Ancient Egypt is my favorite historical period.

    3. What is your academic/non-academic strength?
    Probably my best non-academic strength is singing.. I love it. Academically, my strengths are writing and the humanities.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    Sometimes. Depends on what the technology is.. sometimes I’m afraid to use them though.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    I would say I’m a pretty good writer.. of course I’m sure there is room for improvement though. I mean.. I did list it as an academic strength.

  23. oweinroth on September 3rd, 2008 9:15 am

    Our aesthetic sensibilities dictate our relationship to the society we live in. Both nature and nurture collaborate in the individual choices. You will feel strong distaste or admiration to a work of art in the same way that you feel toward another individual. You cannot always eliminate the feelings but we can strive to understand the other and respect their place. You may not like abstract art or chose not to have a poster of Mattis in your living room, but you will be able to appreciate the artist genius and the paintings contribution to the evolution of that aesthetic movement.

    When taking very young children to an art exhibit one finds that they do not need knowledge to connect with some of the art. Sometime our heads do not allow us to feel and our feelings obstruct our thinking. Do you think that art forms that do not involve written / spoken language lose much more in the translation?

  24. noa.krawczyk on September 3rd, 2008 10:39 am

    Hi, I’m having a problem with the website. For some reason, when I click the image under the topic of “Divide and Assimilate,” the articles assigned for reading do not show up. Is anyone else having this problem, or are the assigned reading posted somewhere else I just can’t find?

  25. bhefner on September 3rd, 2008 1:25 pm

    Noa - Thanks for the heads up. This should now be fixed.

  26. oweinroth on September 3rd, 2008 5:53 pm

    When suffering from website woes I will use the printed pages I have given you in class on the first day. If there is a world wide web disaster, just go down to the reserve desk in the library and ask for one or more of the books/articles for the course. This will prepare you for class as well.

  27. noa.krawczyk on September 3rd, 2008 9:25 pm


  28. michelle.pelan on September 3rd, 2008 9:27 pm

    here is the posted photograph of myself:

  29. michael.elka on September 3rd, 2008 10:03 pm

    0.)Art is anything crafted or displayed which both results from the emotion of the creator and arouses emotion in the viewer. In short, art is the medium through which the emotion or thoughts of the creator, (which doesn’t necessarily have to be a human being – the creator could be an animal, act of nature, etc.) are transmitted to the one viewing the art. As long as a medium captures either the emotions of the artist or evokes some sort of emotion – even the wrong emotion – in the viewer, that medium can be considered art.

    1.) My favorite art form is sculpture, specifically sculpture in stone. When first viewing a piece of art, what jumps out at me first is the level of skill required to craft that piece, and in my experience, nothing has aroused in me a respect for skill quite like sculptural masterpieces. Individual sculptors pour a myriad of emotions into their work, but, in my opinion, and emotion that can be found in sculptures of all artists is fortitude and determination. To undertake the task of making a sculpture is monumental, and, as a result, the feelings of fortitude and endurance are aroused in me by almost every sculpture I see. I have never been affected by any other art form in the way I have been affected by sculpture.

    2.) My favorite historical period is the Italian Renaissance. Some of the most technically involved and aesthetically beautiful pieces of artwork were produced during that period. Artists at that time were not merely artists, but incredible scientists and general observers; tremendous attention was paid to human and animal anatomy, and most art produced was painstakingly meticulous (which, again, arouses in me a sense of fortitude and determination on behalf of the artist). Additionally, aside from telling the emotional story of the artist who produced the work, Renaissance art generally tells another story, such as a story from the Bible, Greco-Roman myth, or of then-contemporary conquest.

    3.) My academic and non-academic strength lies in my ability to clearly enunciate my thoughts and feelings. Some people attribute academic success to an ability to retain information or an ability to sit and listen for hours on end, but I attribute mine to my ability to take what I know or have learned and clearly communicate it to those around me. When one is clearly understood, there is no room for misinterpretation, which means ones ideas can then successfully be expounded upon or rejected, either of which results in academic gain for all participating.

    4.) Although it definitely takes me longer to become accustomed to new technologies, I can safely say that, in general, I am comfortable with them. Once I realize that a new technology is useful and conducive to some purpose, I try my best to integrate it into my life.

    5.) I would say that my writing skills are in the top 25% if one were to break the spectrum of “writing skill” into four distinct categories. Again, my strength lies in my ability to communicate my ideas clearly, and although I would say I do this better orally, my writing skills are still very strong.

  30. michael.elka on September 3rd, 2008 10:08 pm

    Picture of me:


    Poem: “Self Portrait”

    Always heard.
    Sometimes loud like a clap of thunder,
    Sometimes soft like an echo,
    But always heard.
    At times, quiet in words but loud in appearance,
    Art times, quiet in appearance but loud in words,
    But always heard.
    Always severe, bold,
    Never half-hearted.
    Sharp lines,
    Never a curve,
    Always Heard.

  31. steve.chu on September 3rd, 2008 10:10 pm

    O.What doe art mean?
    Art means a form of expression from within an artist. That artist can be anyone, however, and art can take the form of any which way the artists so chooses whether it be by paintings, music, the martial arts or literature. Some artists choose to display their art for various reasons, such as trying to make people think or feel but in my opinion, art is simply a display of one’s inner self.
    1. What is your favorite art form?
    2.What is your favorite historical period?
    The present
    3. What is your academic/non-academic strength?
    My academic strength is probably in the humanities, though I wouldn’t say i enjoy it. My non-academic strength is music and religion although I suppose those can apply to the academic category as well.
    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    Yes, I do. I can’t wait for the next version of the iPod though I probably won’t be able to afford it.
    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    Considering the way most of our nation writes, I think of my writing skills as outstanding, though they probably pale in comparison to that of people who care about how they write.

  32. theresa.raniolo on September 3rd, 2008 10:41 pm

    No, I do not think that art not involving written or spoken language loses much in translation because sometimes, as in the case of abstract art, something about an image can be shocking, extremely original, or extremely simplistic. It’s meaning might escape you, but the shock factor of the piece itself is intriguing enough to get you thinking about it’s significance in ways you had not initially. If it elicits a strong response, positive or negative, the work has been successful in provoking thought, and that is an artist’s goal, to enlighten their viewers’ perspectives. Usually artists have a context for their abstract work that give people a hint as to what ideas they are communicating, but even so, a million people could all experience the same exact thing and walk away with a million different interpretations. Therefore the artist has engaged a million minds, which can have a huge impact on how we think about the world. That’s essentially why artists devote their lives to making crazy looking things. I think it’s their way of changing the world, rather than through protesting or war or writing in editorial columns.

  33. joel.kaplan on September 3rd, 2008 11:04 pm

    0. What does art mean? Art is human expression made material. Dance, music, sculpture, and painting are all forms of art because of the effort made by a human to convert thought and emotion into reality. I think that the natural world can appear artful in that it can symbolize human emotions and ideas, but it is not art.

    1. What is your favorite art form? Music has always invoked a strong emotional response and my most memorable experiences with art have been in concert houses such as Avery Fisher Hall. However, I enjoy literature and find it to be more effective than other forms of art in changing one’s personal outlook and perspectives on the world.

    2. What is your favorite historical period? I enjoy different historical periods for different reasons. The 18th century produced some of the most perfect music in history. The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw enormous changes in ways of life and modes of thought, including the emergence of psychoanalysis and recognition of the subconscious. These centuries appeal to me because they represent human achievements that have permanently modified our view of the world.

    3. What is your academic/non-academic strength? In school I did well in English and History, so the humanities probably encompass my academic strengths. I like to play tennis and love to bike long steep hills (or NYC steel bridges).

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies? I can usually handle tech problems at home and am comfortable with most electronics, although I might not always approve of the continuous consumer attitude that rapidly changing technology engenders.

    5. How would rate your writing skills? I feel comfortable with writing assignments. I haven’t done much creative writing, so I’m untested in that respect. I would like to be able to do artistic creation with words since there isn’t much hope for me with the visual arts (as evidenced by the gravatar - sorry Jin Woo).

    Since this might be really big, here’s the link: http://cpl625.googlepages.com/bridgeclimb.jpg/bridgeclimb-full;init:.jpg

  34. jacqueline.leon on September 3rd, 2008 11:11 pm

    O. What does Art mean?
    Art is a form of expressing oneself through images and even through words. Depending on one’s perspective, pieces of work such as paintings, music, and sculpting may seem merely like a piece of work while to others it may seem like artwork.

    1. What is your favorite art form ?
    My favorite art form is sculpting especially very detailed sculpting because it puts more pressure on the artist and shows a lot of work and effort. I also like sculpture because they are three dimensional rather than flat.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    My favorite historical period is the Renaissance. So much happened around the time of the Renaissance and during this era, many new things happened. European countries began to flourish in its intellectual aspects as well as the artistic aspects.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    My academic strength has always been involving any kind of mathematical situations. Reading and writing have never really been my forte. Non-academically, my strength would have to be sports and other physical challenges that I might have to deal with throughout my life.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    I do feel comfortable working with new technologies because there is always a way to make something work. Finding out about tech related things can only help me in the future. Experience with new things is very useful because it can prepare you for basically anything when looking to pursue something in the real world.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    Personally, my writing skills are not that great but I would rate them as fair depending on what kind of writing situation I am put into. I’d prefer creative writing rather than writing an Op-Ed piece based on a piece of literature.


  35. katherine.snovak on September 3rd, 2008 11:15 pm

    0. To me art is anything that is used to convey something meaningful to another person. If art is effective, it moves the viewer (or listener or what have you). If it is not effective a person may not even notice it.
    1. My favorite art form is photography, I love how it can take a scene we may walk past day after day, and make it meaningful.
    2. My favorite historical period would have to be the 1960s, mainly because a lot of my favorite art (be it music, painting, film, or photography) came out of this period.
    3. I would say that my academic strength is in the arts and humanities. Other than academically I would say that my strength is determination. I won’t give up on something I’ve started.
    4. I am very comfortable using new technologies, though I sometimes think that they have taken over our lives a little too much.
    5. I would say its not as good as it should be. I’ve never had any really awful grades for writing, but I could really stand to improve

  36. alex.schindler on September 4th, 2008 12:05 am

    O. What does Art mean?

    1. What is your favorite art form?

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
5. How would you rate your writing skills?

    Write a paragraph or a poem titled: “Self portrait” or post a photograph/image of yourself

    Art, to me, is a form of communication between people that transcends language. The artist is the person who wishes to express himself in ways that defy syntax. Art is a way of packaging emotions and ideas in a way that is accessible to others, and one which, thanks to its form, is open to some subjective interpretation. Art, rather than translating ideas into universal structures like an English sentence, encodes them in such a way as to require personal interaction with the message. It is therefore the closest attempt by man to truly convey the feeling of being “me” to someone else.

    1. My favorite art form is music. I am also partial to writing, however, because of the interesting way it achieves what I consider to be its goals. As I stated above, I think that art is a form of communication intended to transcend the boundaries set by language. Writing (poetry and good prose) uses language to transcend language, a level-crossing experience for the introspective reader. “Rowing in Eden! Ah, the sea! Might I but moor tonight, in thee!” is merely a string of words. And yet, packaged within are the passions of Emily Dickinson, which I can experience firsthand, rather than simply hearing about them. This feature of good writing (not that I usually like her poetry) has always fascinated me. One would expect, given my love of music and admiration for poetry, that I’d then consider lyrical music the ultimate hybrid. Unfortunately, though, I usually find it to be a failed experiment, perhaps because of attempts by the artists to force one art form to fit into another.
    2. My favorite historical period for music is generally the Romantic, but my favorite composer is Bach by far. Still, in general I think Baroque music lacks any soul. I also enjoy a lot of jazz and progressive metal from the contemporary period, the latter being one of the few genres that I feel tolerates (occasionally) lyrical interference.
    3. In general I suppose my main area of expertise would be Judaism (its philosophy, legal system, literature, history etc.). But that’s not an interest for me; it’s more of a framework for my whole life. The things that interest me are philosophy, music, linguistics and cognitive science, and other topics that help me answer the question “who am I?” I also am a confirmed fitness fanatic, so I suppose exercise and nutrition would be a strength of mine.
    4. I’m generally okay with technology. I am somewhat cursed though; any computer I touch quickly develops software issues. Luckily I hang out with people more tech-savvy than myself who fix them.
    5. I think I write good. I mean, well.
    6. Self Portrait.

    This is the portrait of an exhausted young man as a young man. He lays prone across a couch, typing a self-portrait because he doesn’t consider himself photogenic enough to take the easy road on this question. The road less travelled having been taken, he finds himself with nothing especially interesting to write about. The Republican National Convention was boring as hell and sapped his mind. In 2012, provided America is still around, the exhausted young man will watch paint dry on RNC night (with Chinese subtitles of course). The young man realizes, of course, that his flippant tone is unappreciated in a self-portrait, so to distract the reader he will now opt to quickly describe himself (after switching tenses twice. And here I called myself a decent writer…). The exhausted young man is about 5’6”, 130 pounds if he hasn’t lost a few more to his fast metabolism and laziness in the face of hunger. A smile plays across his lips as he imagines himself as a refusenik (it’s really just the word that amuses me), unwilling to cook even while staring starvation in the eyes. His black hair is moderately long and parted in the middle, an unusual style in the 21st century. Most conspicuous, though, are the dark circles beneath his eyes. (He briefly reconsiders changing the first sentence in this paragraph to “portrait of a raccoon in its late adolescence” but decides to instead mention it in passing.) He looks like he lost a fight to a bottle of mascara. Indeed, his bed beckons to him even now. (Now meaning as I write, or now meaning as you read? Chances are, both. I am a tired person.) Satisfied with the length of his response, and confident that it contains enough self-reference to make Raymond Smullyan proud, the exhausted young man bids you adieu and leaves to brush his teeth (and floss. Flossing is highly underrated.).

  37. anton.cullo on September 4th, 2008 12:11 am

    1. What does Art mean?

    To me art is a very general term; it kind of like the word “transportation” in that there is a vast range of varying degrees that it covers. Just as roller blades and airplanes are both considered “transportation” not all art is equal (or serves the same purpose for that matter). But, for the sake of fine art, it seems to be that it’s the subtleties that make it “art”, artists therefore are conveying an emotion, opinion, or observation through the medium in an original manner.

    2. What is your favorite art form?

    My favorite Art form would probably be brilocage (or any other medium composed in a similar manner). In addition to finding meaning in the image itself, I like to observe the components that the artist has incorporated from an exterior source. (Why would they put an old advertisement next to a pair of lips?)

    3. What is your favorite historical period?

    My favorite historical period would probably be 1162-1227, the life of Genghis Khan.

    4. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?

    My academic strengths probably lie in the cluttered category of the humanities although I wish I could say sciences. Non-academically speaking I would say I excel at music.

    5. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?

    Generally with enough time I can figure out new technologies based upon previous experiences.

    6. How would you rate your writing skills?

    I would say that my writing skills are pretty well developed but definitely could use some improvement.

  38. anton.cullo on September 4th, 2008 12:14 am
  39. shawn.jean-louis on September 4th, 2008 12:34 am

    0) What does art mean?
    Art is a form of self expression by an artist, an expression delivered by a creation of some sort. Art is also meant to invoke a reaction from its viewers. The reactions and way of thinking i different for each and every piece because each piece because each piece has its own identity.

    1) What is your favorite art form?
    My favorite art form is realist art. I like to have a clear and definitive image in front of me. My mind works in a way that i can only analyze something and appreciate its beauty if i am certain of what i am looking at.

    2) What is your favorite historical period?
    My favorite historical period in general is the Victorian era simply because the novels that come out of that time fascinate me as well as the things i have heard about the period. However, the 15th and 16th centuries are most appealing to me as far as art because of Michelangelo. His work is so great and so amazing and i hope that one day i can experience something of his up close and personal.

    3) What is your academic/non academic strength?
    My academic strength is algebra. I dont know why but i love it and am good at it and enjoy doing it. It is an enigma that even baffle me at times for algebra is quite mundane and there is nothing much to enjoy. My non academic strength is comedy. I love to make people smile and laugh and can greatly appreciate great comedy when i see it or hear it. I believe laughter is the universal medicine for everything.

    4) Do you feel comfortable with new technology?
    Yes i feel fairly comfortable with new technology and am always willing and able to learn more. The incorporation of technological advances into ones life is key to success in 2008, and success is my ultimate goal therefore i am a blank slate ready to be written on for anything new in the technological field.

    5) How would you rate your writing?
    On a scale of 1-10 i would say my writing is at a 7.5. I am a competent writer that can hold his own amongst most, however i do realize the room for improvement. I see that there are still places in which i can excel further.

  40. olga.gervits on September 4th, 2008 8:14 am

    0. What does Art mean?
    Art is a means of providing information. The artist can use his/her art to express something about themselves, about the world around them, about situations that may or may not have actually happened. And, more importantly, it allows the artist to share these things with people who may never have met, seen, or even heard of the artist in question, thereby allowing the artist to connect to the people in question despite having no relation to them. Overall, Art allows one to connect to others.

    1. What is your favorite art form?
    My favorite art form is music. When used properly, it can tell stories, or even make you feel a certain way, depending on the genre. Because of this, music has always appealed to me as the most powerful art form, and as a result has remained my favorite.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?
    My favorite historical period…do the 1990’s count as history? In all honesty, I would have to say that the late 1980s through the mid 1990s were my favorites. There was just so much going on.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    I guess curiosity could be considered my strength. It pushes me to go farther than I normally would. On the other hand, it could also be considered a weakness for the same reason.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    As long as someone explains how to use them, yes. However, technology often does not feel comfortable with me, and tends to malfunction just to make my life more difficult.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    I’d like to say that my writing skills are acceptable, although it depends on the subject that I am writing about. If I’m interested in a subject, I usually write at a much higher standard than if I’m not.

    Self Portrait

    I find it hard to describe myself
    especially on paper
    do I write a physical description
    or try to explain the
    often contradicting
    factors that make up me

    brown hair
    random bouts of excitability at what seems to be nothing
    split second decisions that I will probably regret later
    green eyes
    at times
    but other times I simply sit still and listen

    I am not good enough of an artist
    to properly express what comes so naturally to me

    I am Me

  41. alexander.schinis on September 8th, 2008 2:06 pm

    O. What does Art mean?

    -To me, Art is an individual’s (or group of individuals’) expression of his or her sentiments or observations. There are many different types of art forms, varying from dancing, theater, music, sculpture, and so much more. To my mind, Art can be nearly anything, with one stipulation — it must convey something to its audience or those observing it.

    1. What is your favorite art form?

    -My favorite art form is music, probably because I have personally engaged in this form the most. Music is an excellent medium to convey a wide range of emotions, and I feel that music can convey emotion better than nearly any other form of Art. As someone who often feels a wide range of emotions myself, this is something I truly appreciate.

    2. What is your favorite historical period?

    - My favorite historical period is the Baroque period (1600~1750) in which many beautiful examples of art were produced. I especially appreciate the music of this time, as produced by Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Pachelbel, George Friderich Handel, and others.

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?

    -Academically, I have an affinity for the English language and the written word, as well as the ability to pick up on new languages quickly. Outside of academics, I feel my greatest strength is my ear for music.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?

    - I am confident that I could learn to use any new technologies that I am introduced to and instructed to use in the period of this course.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?

    -I would rate my writing skill an 8 out of 10 for my grade level.

    I have posted a picture of myself below:

  42. gabriel.dearos on September 12th, 2008 12:46 pm

    O. What does Art mean?
    I’m not the first one to have said this, but I have always seen art as an expression of truth through lies. The artist tries to extract something true and beautiful from our complex world, by distorting what is real to highlight the truth within it.

    1. What is your favorite art form?

    2. What is your favorite historical period?

    3. What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
    In academics, my strength is numbers, math and physics. Things like that. My non academic strength is in either theatre or music.

    4. Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
    It is taking me a while to get used to the technology in hunter, but otherwise I am fairly adaptive.

    5. How would you rate your writing skills?
    Though I am a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to long drawn out projects, I think my writing skills over all are quite proficient.

  43. jinwoo.chung on November 3rd, 2008 3:25 pm

    Dear Prof. Weinroth,

    I’m emailing this to you because I cannot log in to the blog.

    O. In this post modern world I suppose art can really be whatever we deem it to be. But in a personal sense art is simply the object created by humans that tries to convey a message, idea, or/and is the representation of the artist’s view of reality.

    1. Post Impressionism tops the list because of its powerful brush strokes and since it captures the essences of reality: something that is fleeting and constantly fluctuating.

    2. The rise of modernism and post-modernism and to the contemporary time period will always fascinate me because it is the culmination of everything before it.

    3. I am good at history academically and have a forte in wandering around places.

    4. New technologies materially benefit me to a level unprecedented in previous generations, but in spiritual and mental matters, technology is nowhere nearly as helpful.

    5. I write like a typical student, but I hope my writing was more simple and direct instead of being so darn wordy.

    Self Portrait
    A boy there exists from Korea,
    Who believes love is some panacea,
    With such thoughts he stayed up late,
    Laboring on homework for some better fate,
    May love and mercy fill his teacher’s heart,
    As she hopefully accepts her pupil’s fresh start.

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