Jacqueline Leon- Body Modification As A Form of Art; Open for the Public Eye!

September 25, 2008 · Posted in Public Topics/Private Moments 

chinese woman.gif (71079 bytes)

The head of a man with conspicuous tattoos and other body modifications

Many would see body modification as something that is not normal in society. However, in many cultures, body modification is what determine’s one beauty. Creating something so that another eye can see is what makes art. Chinese tradition used to call for foot binding as a source of shaping ones body into something beautiful. Throughout many cultures during the history of mankind, it has been man’s ultimate goal to reach some sort of state of beauty. Even though many modifications may be painful, they still have deeper meaning in them depending on the culture. Most body modifications are noticeable such as piercings, tatoos, scarring, and plastic surgery amongst many other forms.

I would consider that body modifications are an art form, even if they are not accepted in places all over the world. Every culture has their own tradition and their own eye for beauty. Even though body modifications are open for the public eye to see, some people would think that they should be kept private. Beauty is usually in the eye of the beholder. Even though body modification can be seen by many others besides the person containing it, it is still private in a sense that no one else can really touch them unless they are given the permission to do so.



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