Artistic Style Assignment

September 11, 2008 · Posted in Artistic Styles, Assignments · Comment 

Check this list.  You have been assigned an artistic style.  research and write one paragraph to introduce us to your style.  You may give one example either in writing or as a picture.  (please no “original research”)

You can use the books in reserve such as W. Fleming, K. Clark and E.H.Gombrich as a source.

Heather -The New York School Art
Michelle - Abstract Expressionists Art
Alex -Neo-Dada and Pop Art
Ilirjan - Cold Field Art
Joel - Minimal Art
Noa -Conceptual Art
Ernest - Neo-Realists Art
Mya - Kinetic Art
Steve - Impressionists Art
Aliza - Romantic Art
Jinwoo - Neo-classical Art
Michael -Rococo Art
Jacqueline - Baroque Art
Olga - Renaissanse Art
Diana - Mannerism Art
Gabriel -Gothic Art
Shawn -  Romanesque Art
Arielle - Byzantine Art
Calypso - Roman Art
Katherine - Helenistic Art
Alexander - Egyptian Art
Kate - Near Eastern
Theresa - Any non-Western Art
Anton -Roman Christian Art

Mikaela-Primitive Art

Comments are not allowed on this post - please write your response as a “post,” and put your name and the title of your entry in the “title” field. Select the category “Artistic Styles” and all posts will appear here.

What distinguish “Primitive” from “civilized” Art?

September 4, 2008 · Posted in Assignments · 28 Comments 


South Pacific Art Exhibit, Metropolitan museum, 2008 O.W.

Coming soon: Group Project

September 4, 2008 · Posted in Assignments · 1 Comment 

Group project is starting next week! You will be assigned a group this week. Your group will have a designated space on the website to communicate and post findings.

Please print for yourself the two documents relating to the semester assignment. 1. General directions, 2. logistics page. Make sure you have your team members coordinates.

Is Art a function of society? What is the relationship between art and culture?

September 2, 2008 · Posted in Assignments · 4 Comments 

On-line assignment for 9/4

August 28, 2008 · Posted in Assignments · 43 Comments 

Post a short response to these Questions:
O.   What does Art mean?
1.    What is your favorite art form?
2.    What is your favorite historical period?
3.    What is your academic/ non-academic strength?
4.    Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?
5.    How would you rate your writing skills?

Write a paragraph or a poem titled: “Self portrait” or post a photograph/image of yourself

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