Union Square 2-Jacqueline Leon

October 29, 2008 · Posted in Hassam's New York 


The picture that I chose to replicate was the Union Square 2 one mainly because it was closest to the school and on one of my breaks, I decided to head there to take an easy snapshot. It was not that hard a picture to take considering that there is a mall standing right in front of the Union Square Park. It is quite evident that Hassam’s picture was created some time ago because there are less trees in his picture as well as less tall buildings and people surrounding the park. The view is a lot alike but not quite exactly the same. My picture is taken now in fall while Hassam’s was taken during spring since the color of the leaves are yellow. There were less people around in the park when he decided to paint his piece. Also the angle at which he made his painting at was different compared to my snapshot. He must have been at a location that was to the left of where I was because my picture is more centered and his is not.  Union Square 2 was a good and somewhat easy choice of picture to try to replicate because of the position, which Hassam decided to paint. On the other side of the park, there was construction and the park would look unappealing in the picture that I would have taken. The Starbucks on the other side was also very crowded and I couldn’t seem to take a picture from there either because the sun was too strong and people were drinking coffee near the windows. Technology and modernization throughout the years makes the park a different environment. Hassam has made a nice painting that is ephemeral in the sense that it hard to exactly duplicate but getting to know the city a little better through art made it a fun experience.



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