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You have reached the page on Culture in Morningside Heights, New York. The Culture section includes the Performing Arts, Food, Religion, and Landmarks. All these aspects truly affect how gentrification takes place within the neighborhood. Restaurants and cafes allow friends and family to come together through food, while the performing arts allow them to enjoy themselves. Religion enables one to be in touch with God, while the landmarks give a feeling of significance to the area. Below we will analyze in detail the effects of music, dance, food, religion, and landmarks on the general area and livelihood of the neighborhood.



For the main article, see Food.

A plate of buffalo wings at Atomic Wings
A plate of buffalo wings at Atomic Wings

Food is an essential part of everyday life. An individual's cravings may vary from a hamburger to Fillet Mignon. All these needs are capable of being met. With an array of cafes, delis and restaurants, Morningside Heights caters to everyone's desires, while in general still remaining affordable to the average person. The slow, but steady process of gentrification that has enveloped Morningside Heights has transformed the composition of these eateries, both in quality and price. This change can be especially seen within the area surrounding Columbia University.

Performing Arts

For the main article, see Performing Arts.

"Vampire Weekend performing live"
"Vampire Weekend performing live"

Music, with the music programs of Columbia University, Barnard University, as well as the Manhattan School of Music, is frequently appreciated in the Morningside Heights area. There are numerous free and low-cost performances, many by students. Also, in the area there are jazz clubs that have been around for decades. Jazz is a genre that is highly appreciated by the community of Morningside Heights. At Grant's Tomb, there are frequent outdoor Jazz concert's which have taken place for over 35 years.


For the main article, see Religion.

Riverside Church
Riverside Church

For some of us, as we rush about through our daily lives, it often seems as though our religious beliefs become a shadow of our existence. Others center their lives around religion and some reject it altogether. No matter what role religion plays in our own lives, people tend to understand the enormous impact religion has on society when they step outside and see countless religious institutions and groups. Religion has increasingly evolved into a medium for culture and tradition. In a foreign atmosphere you may not find people of your own background or country origins, but you may find someone who shares your religion. In our study of religion in Morningside Heights, we observe how this little community steadfastly holds onto religion and ties it to education. Notable institutions include the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the Union Theological Seminary and the Jewish Theological Seminary.


For the main article, see Landmarks.

Grant's Tomb
Grant's Tomb

Landmarks are visual proof of a neighborhood's history and Morningside Heights is an area full of them. Ranging from Grant's Tomb to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine to even Tom's Restaurant on Broadway and 112th Street, landmarks give us an association with the place and history of the neighborhood.

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