a corporate paradiso

a corporate paradiso

Posted by rbenmoshe on Sun, 02/10/2008 - 22:22 in

I remember watching an episode of Charmed (for reputation's sake, I honestly do not watch the program regularly, but I was on the treadmill and needed something pain-numbing) in which the three witches had finally achieved their goal (was it their goal?) of defeating the Evil (insert name here) and his/her/its evil minions and ushered in an era of peace on earth, or at least in sunny california. But how ever did they rid the earth of evil and (re?)store peace on earth. well, albeit an initial war had been won by "the charmed ones," and the general "evil" force (perhaps comparable to Pauline ideas of evil) had been eradicated from the earth, there was no mass genocide of pedestrians and yeoman who had commited adultery, or gambled away their children's college tuition, or stolen some petty item, or beaten their wives/husbands/elders/children. I'm pretty sure that even martha stewert, george bush, and osama bin laden were all still "chillen" (though not like a villain). There was no feminist apocalpyse- i didn't see any immediate legislation pass about legalizing abortion is countries funded by US dollars (by the way its called the gag rule, you should look into it). There was no communist apocalypse- the snaky theiving bourgeoisie was not overturned by the proletariat.  There was no Roy apocalypse - no universalized healthcare, no free college tuition, no subsidized housing, my parents weren't in therapy. Actually THIS age of peace was quite different.

Instead, everyone was just "nice." and what does "nice" mean on primetime television? well, they had smiles plastered on their faces (after a while, even my face was hurting) and they were all socializing with one another. An emblem of their "nice-ness" was when one person (person A's) vehicle crashed into another person (person B's) vehicle. Person B immediately got out of the car and apologized. However, Person A was not angry with Person B. Instead, Person A asked "Do you have insurance?" to which person B replied "Yes, yes.' Person A: "then its alright." Big smile. END SCENE.

but wait a second? what if person B didn't have insurance? such unanswered questions come with corporate paradiso, in which the general idea is that the world would be in eternal peace if only everyone could "just get along" (or "get a bong" depending on which state you live). That the people of the world could sustain themselves on capitalism, because the market fixes itself (or did that only work before globalism?), if only they were "nice" to one another, as opposed to "mean" to one another.

I didn't buy it, although I had the odd feeling that I was being sold much more.

anyone concur? whats your personal paradiso? and how is the war fought for it?