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Awakenings » Blog Archive » Oops, She Did It Again

Oops, She Did It Again


Angela M. Brown is one down to earth ‘sistah.’ “I never wanted to be what I would have described as a screechy soprano,” she explained to a group of Baruch students, most who had never seen an opera. Fortunately for opera fans worldwide though, she changed her mind.

The Verdi-Soprano, who is currently performing Aida at the Metropolitan Opera House, is one of the last of her kind, able to carry the composer’s difficult vocal lines from the lowest chest-thrusting tones to the most commanding high notes.  For someone so special, Brown has had a modest American upbringing. The Indianapolis born diva grew up living a “very Midwestern life” in a deeply spiritual Baptist household. She began singing as early as age five in her grandfather’s church. “I originally wanted to sing Gospel,” Brown confessed, however, her singing coach at Oakwood College, Ginger Beazley, had different plans for her: “You know, you sing gospel music beautifully, but when you sing classical music, you are head and shoulders above everybody else,” Beazley told her. Brown was persuaded and after graduating, moved to Indiana
University to begin studying Italian, German, and French—the languages of classical opera—where she then started the extensive training it would take to become a world-class soprano.


Brown’s vibrant jokes and commanding presence made her, at once, admirable and intimidating. She connected with the Baruch students, explaining, “I have been where you are.” She did not think that she would like classical music either, but once she began singing, “opera took over [her life].” Despite her great classical talent, Brown would love to do much more with her life. Who knows if she was joking when she talked about opening up her own “makeup line,” or when she demonstrated Britney Spear’s “Oops I did it again?”  If one thing is certain, Angela Brown makes opera fun.

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