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The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2


October 15th, 2007 · No Comments

Back to back theatrical performances = a tired Zareen :P

Last week, going to see Hotel Cassiopeia one night then Elektra the next was fun. I felt like a cultured New Yorker who did that every week of course. However, having seen both, one after the other, it was like watching two opposite ends of the theatrical spectrum. One which was very abstract and new (Hotel Cassiopeia), and the other very powerful and old (Elektra).

I didn’t particularly enjoy Hotel Cassiopeia. During the whole performance, I kept saying to myself “I don’t understand this” and asking myself “Where is this thing going?” I know there are people that are really into abstract art, but I’m not one of them. I like things that have some structure, substance, or purpose. Hotel Cassiopeia just went on aimlessly, with no definite plot. It was very random, blurring the lines between Joseph Cornell’s reality and mind.

Not to completely bash the play, but it did have some highlights. First of all, the space. BAM Harvey Theater was as odd as Prof. Drabik described it to us. At moments, I felt as if pieces of the second tier might fall on us, but thankfully it didn’t. The concept is very artistic and unprecedented. We had a very good view of the stage, not missing anything. I thought the highlight of that performance was the acting. All of them were excellent, especially the people that played multiple roles. They pulled it off so well, becoming completely different people! All the movement was also good. Just when you thought they might crash into each other, they didn’t.

A question that’s really been irking me, even almost one week after the performance, is: what was the occupation of each of those three men? The playbill identified the actors by their supposed professions. So, who’s who?

Another question: is it a play? Because I don’t think you would describe it exactly as a play. Hotel Cassiopeia had not only acting, but also singing and dancing. Would it be considered a musical?


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