Emergency assistance

From From Tevet to Iyar...


Our Emergency Assistance and Crisis Intervention Department serves thousands of individuals and families every year in the community who are experiencing a crisis. COJO of Flatbush offers emergency assistance to those who qualify. We offer assistance to families who do not have a place to live or are about to be evicted. We also offer emergency food vouchers. We refer clients to food pantries and organizations that offer free clothing, furniture, and household items.

Clients can apply for emergency HEAP throughout the winter months at COJO of Flatbush. [Emergency HEAP will pay a portion of a low-income NYC resident’s heating or electric bills]. We offer referrals to the Heart Share Program. COJO of Flatbush offers limited funds to help residents pay their utility bills in emergencies. COJO will give assistance to those in need of applying for emergency Medicaid.

COJO of Flatbush seniors can also get help in obtaining necessary home repairs through the Met Council’s MetroPair & The Handyman Program (must meet qualifications).

Our Project Aizer Program offers limited Emergency Assistance for disadvantaged people 60 years old and over residing in the Greater Flatbush area. They are given funds to pay for rent arrears, current rent, utility bills (ex. gas, electric, phone), to make necessary home repairs, buy or repair home appliances (ex. refrigerator, stove, air conditioner, fan), food products, prescription drugs, medical treatment costs, dentures, vision care, and transportation to doctors’ appointments.

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