Mohammad Islam

From From Tevet to Iyar...


My name is Mohammad Islam, and I was born Bangladesh. I moved here pretty young - more specifically at the age of one - so I have a weird accent when I try to speak Bengali. This causes other Bengali people to hound me, especially when I go back to visit. I also speak German since I studied it for 4 years, but not quite fast enough to be fluent. Hopefully, I might go study abroad for a semester. Currently, I am still undecided on my major but am leaning towards something business or science or law related. Oh, maybe English too.

Speaking of Business, I got an early head start in the financial industry by landing a summer internship at Merrill Lynch. I was pretty lucky as this was the summer before I even started college. The experience was great, and I loved the fast paced nature of the job.

On a more personal note, I play bass guitar and have been playing it for about 3 years. I'm in a band called An Ideal Revenge, but we haven’t really been active for the last few months. If there are any other musicians here, I would love to hold a jam session. Also, in my free time I like producing and recording some of my own solo stuff, especially with the aid of my sexy free MAC laptop (generously provided by the CUNY Macaulay Honors College)!!!

Other than that, my favorite sports to play are Handball and Football. I was on the soccer team in high school, but sadly I got the “Most Improved Player” award. I also like to "go to the gym" a few days a week here and there. I have yet to see any improvements.

Oh, I forgot - I have two sisters, Rabeya (22) and Razia(15), who are quite annoying.

In conclusion... My future goals in life are still in the process of being drafted. It does involve being insanely rich and possibly, world domination.

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