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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Poem



All of a sudden all the world

is blonde. The Negro on my left

is blonde, his eyes are brimming

like a chalice, he is melting

the gold.

Beside me, passed out

on the floor, a novelist burns a hole

in my pants and he is blonde,

even the cigarette is. Some kind

of Russian cigarette.

Jean Cocteau

must be blonde too. And the music

of William Boyce.

Yes and what

comes out of me is blonde.

I liked this poem because I think it has more than one meaning to it because O’Hara kind of leaves it open for interpretation. I think that he was in a very good mood when he was writing it, using the blonde to represent brightness and happiness. Also I believe that he’s using the word blonde instead of sun or light or a word like that because he was seeing someone who was blonde at the time and that was his inspiration. He is so into this new guy that he’s with that he can see the good in everyone and in the line “passed out on the floor, a novelist burns a hole in my pants and he is blonde” O’Hara is even seeing the positiveness of a novelist who is passed out drunk on the floor by saying that he is blonde. While reading this poem, the word blonde seems to only be figuratively meaning good and positive things.

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