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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Frank O’Hara - Autobiographia Literaria

Frank O’Hara - Autobiographia Literaria

When I was a child

I played by myself in a

corner of the schoolyard

all alone.

I hated dolls and I

hated games, animals were

not friendly and birds

flew away.

If anyone was looking

for me I hid behind a

tree and I cried out “I am

an orphan.”

And here I am, the

center of all beauty!

writing these poems!


O’Hara, Collected poems, “Autobiographia Literaria”

I particularly like this poem because it is unique - it is one of the more literal poems that Frank O’Hara has written. It’s easy to understand and furthermore even easier to relate to. No matter our circumstances, whether it be obstacles in our early childhood (like the poem suggests) or situations that manifest later in life, we can all reach something greater, something beyond our initial expectations and limits. With enough determination any dream can be accomplished, and in the process touch as many lives as we see fit. One day, as the last stanza of the poem exemplifies, we can look back on our lives, and have a great appreciation for where we currently stand in the world and the mark we left upon it.

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