Dealing with the US

From The Peopling of NYC

Cuban-American Relations

The US greatly profited from its relationship with Cuba, especially during the sugar scarcity of WW11. During the war Cuba didn’t withhold sugar from the US even though it have made millions more selling it to alternate nations on the world market. The price of sugar was fixed unilaterally by the US, as was the quota, which could be changed by the US at any time without Cuba’s consent. This all encouraged Cuba’s heavy dependence on the sugar crop, which would greatly contribute to its economic downfall. Various US corporations also set up shop in Cuba, and with bribes managed to avoid various taxes, while turning large profits, most of which flowed directly to the US. The gangsters who ran the casinos, drug and prostitution rings, also did their share to contribute to the money flow back to the US. Many shared their great profits with their counterparts in the US.
