From The Peopling of New York City


Jocelyne Jeannot

I am a human, cool!

Group Project

South Bronx Photo Scavenger Hunt Project

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  • Reflection on tour

The tour of the Grand Concourse and the area surrounding Yankee stadium was one that was very interesting. I learned a lot of details about the area that I had not expected, and I learned new information about the developments in the area. It was greatly different from the first walk around the area that we took initially as we were guided with someone who had a historical perspective of things. The supporting documents of the photographs that were taken decades ago only exemplified the historical significance of the continuous change in the area. Some of the photographs showed almost empty streets with houses that you would normally see in the suburbs. When I looked up to compare the same area to what is there today I found enormous buildings in comparison and commercial stores. The area that we visited is one of continuous renewal and change in the past, and currently. At first I thought that the new stadium that I pass by on the train that they are currently building was the second one after the original one there. Only to find out that it is actually the third Yankee Stadium to be built. The original stadium was built in the 1920s at the cost of 2.5 million dollars with 60,000 seats it was demolished and rebuilt in the 1970s after the first one fell apart enough over time. The new stadium featured the first instant replay screen in major league baseball. The new stadium will cost en enormous 1.3 billion dollars, the most amount of money spent on a stadium in the United States. Something that I found to be very surprising was the amount of art deco style buildings in the Bronx. In the previous visit I never even noticed the style of the buildings until our tour guide pointed it out. He explained that in the United States, the Bronx has one of the largest collections of art deco style buildings. The tour guide pointed out the changes over time in the Bronx, as it seems that it was a very wealthy area at one point then over time it had problems that resulted in it burning, both literally and figuratively. Now it seems that the Bronx is slowly in a time of revitalization and growth. You can see that with minor changes such as the new modern bus stops that were installed in the area, and the decrease in crime rates from a few decades before. The tour gave me a new perspective on the ever-changing Bronx, that to this day is seeing dramatic changes in its landscape. Who knows what there is for the future of the Bronx. Will it ever become a very wealthy area that is impossible to live in due to high rent, as other areas surrounding Manhattan have become? Or will the efforts to make the area more prosperous fail? Time will show us what will happen in the future, concerning the area.

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