Lilach Gez

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Hi. My name is Lilach Gez.
I am a conscientious, determined student who loves learning new and interesting things. Because of this, I have yet to choose a major; I just love every subject I learn. I want to be totally sure that my career path will take me where my passions are strongest.
My hobbies include reading, painting and knitting, something my brother doesn't stop teasing me about.
Also, ever since I got my Laptop, I like producing short movies using movie-maker, usually of family vacations or other special events.
I am looking forward to a great semester along side my Macaulay friends.

How I became a 'New Yorker'
I became a 'New Yorker' at the age of 8. There were many places I lived before that time, starting with Caracas, Venezuela, my birthplace. My Israeli parents were serving as 'Rabbi' for the community there, followed by other communities around the world, including Argentina, Texas and Michigan. When my older siblings were approaching highschool age, my parents felt the need to bring us to a place that had a strong Jewish community with good schools that would send the same messages as those coming from home. Having a strong, established community in New York to come into made our move here a lot simpler. Being the youngest in my family, I had the easiest adaptation period and quickly grew to love my new school, new friends and my new hometown, Brooklyn.

This is a picture of me at the Kotel aka. Western/Wailing Wall in Israel. Notice my necklace that depicts this very site, which I wear close to my heart, literally and figuratively.