Entries blogged in ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Core Themes

These are some of the core themes I think the iMovie should cover:

Dwell Time for bus transit - Like everybody else is saying, dwell time is definitely a issue that many people fail to recognize as a problem.
Tardiness - I know that the trains are scheduled to come every some odd minutes, but rarely have […]


5 Core Themes

Here are some of my ideas for core themes:
1. Modes of transportation for different boroughs/ neighborhoods.
We can show that the way people travel really depends on where they are from. (People from Brooklyn and Manhattan can easily to take mass transit because it is available to them, whereas people from Staten island and New Jersey really have to […]


5 core themes

1) excessive car use because of haul length to subway
2) inefficient bus stations
3) long dwell time at subway and bus stops
4) passenger boarding time increases dwell time
5) street traffic lengthens travel time


Structure + Suggested Scenes

Intro should be letting everyone know whats going on in the film.
Intro scene - we could each get a 30-45 seconds. There could be a moving image of us in color, then a black and white still shot of the same picture, with writing on the side telling the audience our name, where we are, […]


5 core themes for the i-movie

These are 5 elements that I believe would be important to highlight:

Showing the difference in time vs cost (i.e. Metro North is quicker, but more expensive)
Highlighting the option in routes that each of us can take
Mass transit vs driving (pros and cons of each)
600 ft rule
possible improvements that could be made along the trip


End of Semester Project

Ok, let’s go!
Start posting ideas, thoughts, anything.


Another reason to not ride the bus…

I told my friend, who is a transit fanatic and knows the train’s model numbers, about the trip we had today. Soon, he sent back this photo (they’re buses in Canada).

Yes, one bus is almost at a 90 degree angle.


How to Turn a Video Clip in iMove

here ya go!


My Commute from Urban Suburbia

Well, I thought I posted on the blog, but I was wrong.
My commute from New Haven, CT isn’t as bad as one would imagine. I drive from my home to the train station (about 4 miles, and takes 20 minutes on average). From there I catch the metro north train to Harlem 125th Street. Its […]


NYC 2030

Here’s a link to PLANYC2030