
My Commute from Urban Suburbia

Well, I thought I posted on the blog, but I was wrong.

My commute from New Haven, CT isn’t as bad as one would imagine. I drive from my home to the train station (about 4 miles, and takes 20 minutes on average). From there I catch the metro north train to Harlem 125th Street. Its a little over 70 miles and take an hour and half, sometimes an hour 45 minutes to get to the 125th stop.

In the spring, or when its good weather, I walk from the station to City College/the Dorms. Its 6 avenues across, and 13 blocks up.

If the weather is bad or I have some luggage, I can take the m101 or 100 that drops me off right in front of CCNY on Amsterdam.

The last option is just to take a cab.  :)

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