
The Fourth Second


 Hello there. This will be the first post and quite possibly the most awful since I’m still figuring out how to use this blog - asides from writing and uploading pictures.

Goldfish have inspired my title, “The Fourth Second,” and I think that’ll be the title of the Seminar 4 project as well. See, I have heard goldfish have a limited memory of  3-seconds (it turns out this is NOT true) and I thought it would be clever to write something with this as a motif such as what can happen in that fourth second. There is a book out there by Malcolm Gladwell titled ‘Blink’ dealing with what can happen in a few seconds - but I digress. So far, I would like to use the example Lisa Brundage said in class about a fast-forward video and cut out the fourth second and paste them all together. I am not sure if this is possible. Or, I would take photos along my commute and make a flip book.

It sounds ridiculous - my commute is about 1.5 hours.

Last 5 posts by Sandy Xian

One Response to “The Fourth Second”. Add Yours

  1. #1

    Jon Peters


    We should discuss that 1.5 hour commute in class - it is very important. Why does it take so long? Do you travel very far? Or is the trip slow?


    Dr. P.

Replying is good.