
ULURP reading guide- Kim Happich

1. The DCP’s certification of an application means that an application is complete and is ready for public review by the ULURP process.

2. The major participants in the review process are the Community Board, the Borough President, the City Planning Commission, and if necessary the City Council and the Mayor.

3. The Community Board Review is permitted to take 60 days for their review of the application, the Borough President may take 30 days, the CPC has 60 days to complete their portion of the application review process, and when necessary the City Council has 50 days to complete their portion when they do review an application (because they don’t review every application).

4. The Mayor does not play a large or frequent role in the application process, but may veto a City Council ruling on an application within 5 days of its decision, or can take action on an application if the City Council has not taken action within their 50 day time limit. However, the City Council may always overrule the Mayor’s decision with a 2/3 majority vote.

5. The Community Board and CPC must hold a public hearing in their portions of the review process. The City Council is only required to hold a public hearing under certain circumstances, such as a “triple no” scenario.

6. The City Council makes the final decision of approval or disapproval of an application, because even in cases of Mayoral Review, it is possible for the City Council to override the Mayor’s decision.

Written by khappich in: Uncategorized |

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