
Laura’s Photo Essay: NYC


Even though this is more common in some parts of the city, this is a commonality to the lives of New Yorkers.

Even though this is more common in some parts of the city, this is a commonality to the lives of New Yorkers.

E.B White mentions the large advertisements and lighting that is seen in the city. Even today this is one of the amazements of New York City.

E.B White mentions the large advertisements and lighting that is seen in the city. Even today this is one of the amazements of New York City.

In E.B White's essay, he mention the greatness of the Metropolitan Opera. This is a picture of Lincoln Center currently being transformed.

In E.B White's essay, he mention the greatness of the Metropolitan Opera. This is a picture of Lincoln Center currently being transformed.



E.B White talks about the number of people window shopping in NYC. Even now it's very common to do this.

E.B White talks about the number of people window shopping in NYC. Even now it's very common to do this.



There has not been one time that i have not seen great amounts of people buying from this store.

There has not been one time that i have not seen great amounts of people buying from this store.


In the past and now, subways have always been an important way of public transportation.

In the past and now, subways have always been an important way of public transportation.




People, especially tourists, find these interesting because it makes it easy to see the city and its something that you would not think to see in such a big city.

People, especially tourists, find these interesting because it makes it easy to see the city and its something that you would not think to see in such a big city.

When i saw this the first time i was amazed and did not really realize the store is actually under this crystal box. E.B White talks about how magnificent New York is; i see this as a great way to blend art and engineering to beautify the city.

When i saw this the first time i was amazed and did not really realize the store is actually under this crystal box. E.B White talks about how magnificent New York is; i see this as a great way to blend art and engineering to beautify the city.



Central Park is an important part of New York City. For me, it is awesome to have such a huge park in the middle of the city. It just adds to the beauty of the city.

Central Park is an important part of New York City. For me, it is awesome to have such a huge park in the middle of the city. It just adds to the beauty of the city.

Horse Carriages around Central Park could be thought to be out of place in the city but it also adds to the greatness of the city which attracts many tourists.

Horse Carriages around Central Park could be thought to be out of place in the city but it also adds to the greatness of the city which attracts many tourists.



E.B White talks about the buildings and skyline of New York City. This is a view of the city from the Astoria Park in Queens.

E.B White talks about the buildings and skyline of New York City. This is a view of the city from the Astoria Park in Queens.







Congested streets in New York City are very common not only in the present but in the past as well; however, today it presents more of a problem since today's population is much larger than before.

Congested streets in New York City are very common not only in the present but in the past as well; however, today it presents more of a problem since today’s population is much larger than before.
Written by lalmeida in: Uncategorized |

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