Joe’s Coffee Shop

Different kinds of art can be found everywhere, from museums to galleries to parks to your own home. It can even be found at coffee shops. At Joe’s Coffee Shop, you can experience latte art. Gabrielle Rubenstein, a co-founder of Joe’s says, “the whole thing behind latte art is that it ensures all the elements come together and are correct.” It is really the art of science; the right amount of milk, expresso, foam, and timing is needed to make latte art. Joe’s latte art comes in forms of hearts, leaves, monkeys, and many other things. Not only does it look good but it tastes great too.


Joe the Art of Coffee
9 East 13th Street
New York, NY 10002

4 Responses to “Joe’s Coffee Shop”

  1. Zoe Sheehan Saldana Says:

    whose blurb is this? assign your name & “writing assignments” as categories please…

    and can you answer the question, why is this art? (I don’t disagree with you… I’m just not sure you’ve made your point convincingly)

  2. bonnylin Says:

    ooh! food art!! too bad i don’t drink coffee. what else do they serve there?

  3. Daniel Panit Says:

    That’s pretty cool but I have a feeling that this place might be pretty expensive for a regular cup of coffee.

  4. WendyDeng Says:

    well.. i don’t really know how else to put it. art takes skills (not always but to an extent) to produce. Certain skills are needed to make latte art. Like I mentioned in the blurb, it’s really the art of science. All the elements have to be taken into account in order for the image to be produce onto the coffee. Also, it can really brighten up your mornings and art makes people feel.

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