Wax Museum

My trip to the Wax Museum in Times Square was definitely memorable and fun. It was my first-hand experience to see Hollywood celebrities and recognizable political figures so closely. The wax figures looked so realistic that I sometimes cannot differentiate between a tourist and a wax figure. The highlight of my visit was the experience at the VIP room. I experienced to be a part of the hottest party scene in New York, and took pictures with Jessica Simpson, Madonna, and Usher. The pictures came out so real that they fooled many of my friends. A section called the “American Idol” allows tourists to get invovled. I went up to the stage and auditioned for the show’s toughest judge, Simon. I also made his signature eye roll pose beside him. I would say it is worthwhile to visit there for once, getting a close look at your idol’s wax figure while it might be awkward and impossible to do so to the real people. I did not know Angelina Jolie has a tattoo on her back until this time I had the chance to take a real close look at her. I appreciate the work and energy artists put into their jobs in order to recreate the a real person.

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