5 Pointz; Blurb 2

New York City with its Broadway productions, art galleries and tireless inhabitants, is the cultural hotspot for tourists. Yet, most leave without ever reaching the core of the art movement in New York City. Art in NYC is about expression and what better way to live the art of NYC than to experience graffiti, the living breathing words and dreams of actual New Yorkers? While most people believe that graffiti is an act of vandalism, the 5 Pointz building, a yellow painted building covered in graffiti, treats it as a work of art. The building is iconic and a familiar of 7-train riders; my first encounter with the building was upon looking out the windows of the train and coming face to face with it. While those who have seen it have always wondered about it, I am sure few have actually visited it. Unfortunately, I too only stumbled upon the neighborhood on a trip to P.S. 1, a popular contemporary arts museum, which is ironically just across from 5 Pointz. Rather than waiting on line at P.S. 1, I took a bit of a detour to view the building up close. The view is fantastic. According to sources, the building is a haven for graffiti artists who decorated the former “fun-house.” Today, those who want to paint in the area have to first attain a permit. Impressively covered from head to toe, the building is covered with tags and all kinds of illustrations. While I was not comfortable going inside on my own, those who have been there say that the inside is just as decorated. While some people may have seen it from a distance, I have to say that nothing compares to seeing it up close and whether or not you believe it is art, it is truly a sight to behold.

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