Daniel Panit’s Final Podcast

4 Responses to “Daniel Panit’s Final Podcast”

  1. Eilene Says:

    the train seems so empty. the conductor is clear and understandable! and the first time i heard this when u werw speaking another language i thought it was spanish and then i actually paid attention and it was not spanish…

  2. Wendy Huang Says:

    hahaha, do you actually sing and talk to yourself when you are on the train?? And yes, you should stop it with the chocolate syringes.

  3. syed hassan Says:

    Dude, those chocolate syringes be great for repelling others from sitting in your seat. Anywho, during those train rides Im always knocked out, so I wanna know how you had time to sing to ureself

  4. Aniruddha Das Says:

    Yo man Dan never gets tired. He has too much energy

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