
As I was in philosophy class the other day, I realized how the use of words in this subject allowed me to justify a new perspective.  Words, in their own intricate way, can be positioned so that when seen and read, provide rhythm.  If music can be seen as art, so can words.  Also, its philosophical explanation allows images to be constructed for clear justification.  An example would be the explanation of metaphysical freedom.  This type of freedom involves choice pathology, which involves the explanation and drawing of choice incentives and choice outcomes.  Several paths are drawn to allow the subject to understand what choices they have.  As I stared at the paths, I began to realize how what I do is an outcome of an artistic form of action.  Paths are drawn in my life all the time, basically stating that what I do comes from art.

2 Responses to “Words”

  1. Steven Chang Says:

    Even though words have some sort of agreed upon definition, they still can be interpreted in different ways by different people. In addition, the meaning of some words are always changing. Like you mentioned, words can make you look at something a different way as art can.

  2. Daniel Panit Says:

    It really is amazing if you think about your actions. Just imagine all the choices you make in a day. Imagine if we drew the choices like we do in Philosophy Class with Professor Earle, it would be an art.

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