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Amy Lu, your resident freak.


About Me

I am a undergraduate student in the Macaulay Honors College program at CUNY Queens College. My academic interests include linguistics, European and Asian history, library science, and economics. I am interested in pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics and am currently minoring in Business and Liberal Arts.

Nutsy and Cupcake
Nutsy and Cupcake

I grew up in Chinatown in lower Manhattan and am still living there. For elementary and middle school, I attended P.S. 42, P.S. 1, and I.S. 126 (now Manhattan Academy of Technology). For high school, I went to Brooklyn Technical High School. During those years, I discovered my love for squirrels, cupcakes, grammar, and staying up till the wee hours of the night to read derivative works online.


MediaWiki is truly strange.

Changes in the Stratosphere

None so far, methinks.

Current Projects

I am currently undertaking research on the Queens neighborhood of Sunnyside.

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