How to Better Kew Gardens Hills

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While Kew Gardens Hills is an ethnically diverse area, you would not know it just by strolling the main areas or intensely researching it. While it is an area filled with immigrants, the majority of those immigrants are Jewish. Therefore, everything about Kew Gardens Hills is drenched in Jewish life and culture. As I was researching, I found hardly any information about the other inhabitants of the neighborhood. I know they are there for their races are found in the demographic studies of the area, yet it was very difficult for me to learn about them. I have learnt that Kew Gardens Hills is densely Jewish; it seems as if the area is run by Jews - immigrant or native, Orthodox or not. But who represents the other inhabitants of the area: the Afghanis or Indians? I focused alot on the religious change of the area - how the area went from being a predominantly Christian area to a predominantly Jewish one. But what about the other cultures there? How can they make their religious presence more known? While these are interesting, thought provoking questions, I do not think that that much needs to change. There does not seem to be excessive amounts of angst, anger or tension amongst the inhabitants of Kew Gardens Hills. If that is true and continues to remain so, why should policy makers interfere?

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