Jesus the Avenger

Jesus the Avenger

Posted by anoel on Wed, 02/13/2008 - 16:58 in

I was just thinking about the fact that the contrast between the Jesus we all know and love from the rest of the New Testament is vastly different from the bloodthirsty war-mongering one of Revelation.

From what I have learned in my Christian upbringing, one of the main reasons that the Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah is because of the humble sorta down-to-earth form in which he arrived. After thousands of years of ritual persecution, they were more hoping for a vengeful fire and brimstone type Saviour and instead they got "turn the other cheek" and "love thine enemy". But finally, in Revelation, Jesus comes as the celestial warrior-king that the Jews always wanted in the first place. A bit too late perhaps?

Which makes me wonder, what are the end of the world stories in Judaism like? Does it involve carnage and virgins like so many of the other stories? Does it involve Jesus? Or more likely Moses...