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The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2


October 13th, 2007 · 1 Comment

I can definitely say that BAM was an incredibly unique experience. I still need some more clarification about some of the scenes; as I was watching the show, I was trying to connect the scenes and wasn’t as successful as I would have liked. One thing I didn’t like was the set; it didn’t cover the entire stage, and so from the angle we were sitting at, you could just see this big gap between the background and the actual stage.

However, there were certain elements about the play that were pretty fascinating. The stage movement was amazing. I really loved how the actors used their space well. One scene in particular was when you had the three pairs dancing, and whenever the protagonist tried to intervene, that particular pair would sharply turn in a different way each time. The light was also used in a skillful manner, coordinating itself with the plot. I also loved how the beginning began with the actor sitting on the desk; it created a sense of tension and expectation, and made me more anxious to see the beginning of the play! The actors did a great job as well; their body movements matched their tone of voice.

The space itself was interesting. It helped to tone down what I had expected to be a formal atmosphere, and create a more comfortable environment.

Oh, and props to John for coming up with that ABC game, it was fun to play before the actual show! I would just like to post this, in memory of our game: Apple. Banana. Cat. Dog. Elephant. Frog (not fish!). Giraffe. Hover. Iguana. Jaguar. King. Lima. Money. No!Ominous. Petrified. Quail. Risk. Snake. Tsunami. Ubiquitous. Victory. (Is that all right, btw?)


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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 eleung // Oct 14, 2007 at 9:35 pm

    Yeah, good point about the body movements. I guess Joseph’s movement reflected how lost he was. That’s why he seemed to be all over the place, especially in that dancing scene. The ballerina’s blissful, light movement reflected that very blissfulness.

    By the way, the next few words in the game were wren, Xena. A few of us were finishing it on the train. The last two words, I forget. It’s a good thing I didn’t have to finish it!

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