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The Peoping of New York

Macaulay Culkin Honours College at Oxford University
Seminar 2 / Spring 5769 (2009)
Professor Haslip-"Must Pronounce the H"-Viera
ITF: Chris "The Other Professor" Caruso
Note: All American students must email their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) policy numbers to and submit their £1,500 tuition fee, by cheque, to:
401 W. 130th Street
New York, New York 10027
Apartment 1113 A
Disclaimer: All policies of Oxford University can be found at Oxford University Policies
Task: All students must visit famous Picadilly Street and interview, at very least, 40 randoumly selected individuals. Possible questions include, but not limited to:
Do you live here?
What is the most efficient way to render the Irish missing?
Which came first, the chicken or the rooster?
Where is the nearest pub where one throws money to ladies whom play jungle gym on the stage and then you go home with no money and somehow received a black eye and vomit stains on shirt only to have your spouse scream and cry saying stuff like "blah ahh divorce bah something?"
But remember, never ask any person on any circumstance their national origin, race, creed, gender or anything of that magnitude. Oxford University will not on any circumstance defend its students if one or more of these questions are asked, leading to reprisals (i.e. lawsuit, physical damages, etc.) against the named student by the victim.