Circulation: Idea Notes For Project

From Seminar 2: The Peopling of New York City

Idea notes for project

Circulation of money and goods

• Exchange between people, goods, businesses • Islands in the City page 127 • Statistics • wiki

Barrel goods Imported goods in Caribbean are really expensive Go back to the place

Materials from parade Western union Store fronts Grace Goods

Research proposal Sources to consult Brief description of fieldwork methods • interview • participants observation, questionnaire

Invest in land overseas Comparative against other groups =>Filipinos, Mexicans

Reasons to send $ => maintain social ties to migrate come back

Guiana Gold

Tropical Rhythms Grace foods How they got their Foot in America

Mexicans and Pilipinos send most money to

Reason why they send money

P127 Islands in the City

Big companies that send products here and there=>benefit from duality.

Difference in goods there and here

People send barrel goods over there


Remittance agencies in ten block radius

Field work -counting number of

National identity?

How many barrels do you ship a year? What do people typically send?

Average income can go to census website _______________________________________ Info share? Database put together by cuny faculty select various aspects and x amount of dollars. Can get from cuny databases

Services being offered

Trinidad pick up materials for camp?

Cell phones tell one. Company called Orange AT &T

Jamaica public service company- property in Jamaica-can pay from here Can buy groceries

Maybe scan a documentation you find useful

Transnational floes of commodities, services and moneys

Can include the culture industry. Ex: movement of people from here to there to do performances Carnival

Some people come up here from Caribbean to do the carnival.

Hone in on issues you specifically want to do