November 4, 2012, Sunday, 308

History of Yellow Fever

From The Peopling of New York City

12:24 AM XD!
Christina: Is this page about the HISTORY of Yellow Fever? Or Yellow Fever in Bay Ridge? Because then I'd make a page called "Yellow Fever in Bay Ridge" lol XD

Yellow Fever Epidemic in the United States

Yellow Fever is bad. It kills people. Please don't get it?
From 1851-1853 there was a serious epidemic....BLAHBKLAEDU!!

VICTOR: Since the other page has yellow fever in general, this can be out Yellow Fever in Bay Ridge page.

(not yet paraphrased)

Yellow Fever Letter from NY Times

A turning point in the history of Yellow Hook took place in 1848-1849 as a result of the Yellow Fever epidemic. The inspection and quarantine of vessels entering American waters was primitive, and a ship entered the harbor with Yellow Fever aboard. Contaminated bedding and clothing tossed overboard were carried by the tides to the beaches of New Utrecht spreading the pestilence. The fisher-farmers of Yellow Hook were among the worst victims of the fever. The death rate soared (do we have actual mortality rates?) alarmingly and many farmers fled their homes. Others gave away their homesteads. Fort Hamilton was abandoned as was prize property along Shore Road which lay deserted.

The onyl mortality rates we have are for New Orleans: 8,000 in the summer of 1851

To the Bay Ridge homepage.