Art or crap? A quiz!

Check it out: Is it art or is it crap?

6 Responses to “Art or crap? A quiz!”

  1. hgx3j2003y Says:

    8/16 Not bad…

  2. Margaret Fu Says:


  3. Daniel Panit Says:

    its a trick question…. its all art if yout hink it is :)

  4. Aniruddha Das Says:

    Dan is right. If you think its art, then it can be art. Art doesn’t have to be something grand or beautiful. It should be something that gives you a feeling or expression.

  5. susan Says:

    11/16 :D DDDD sweeet

  6. Steven Chang Says:

    10/16- the second to last one is really funny- house tented for termite housing. Although there are some criteria for determining what art is that we have discussed earlier in the semester, it truly is subjective. This quiz’s definition of art or crap is through the quiz maker’s eyes which we may or may not agree with.

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