Archive for the ‘Syed Hassan’ Category

Modern, the new Liberal?

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Table on Wheels
Van Gogh, Picasso, Leonardo usually the first names that come to mind when thinking about artists that have enriched the world of art. The Sistine Chapel, a tremendous piece of art that blows ones mind when first observed by the eyes. The Starry Night encompasses one instantly to a dream world that is at the mercy of ones imagination. Three Musicians, a work that catches the eye forcing the viewer take a step back, breathe, and comprehend.

Starry NightThree Musicians (more…)

Umm where do you exactly find all these events??

Friday, September 14th, 2007

especially all the free ones, I mean i’ve checked the times and other papers but is there like an events list that only Artists know about??

Also I went to the Moma a couple days back (its free for cuny kids), its a pretty cool place and they have this gallery “What is Painting” which basically gives you a taste of all types of arts from the past century or so.

One: Number 31, 1950

This is Jackson Pollacks work. What do you guys think? Is it real genius and truly artistic? or do you think its laziness and art thats wayyy too abstract?

Umm how did my teletubby post become Stephan’s??

Sunday, September 9th, 2007

And sorry dude but the Mets are number 2 in NY


Sunday, September 9th, 2007

So i was channel surfing and I happened to stumble on the Teletubbies. Next thing you know that giant purple one starts skipping along with his purse. So the first thing that came to mind was, Is that a man purse??? or is the purple one a girl? So one mind helping me out

The teletubby in question