Patty's blog

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Death to people sentenced for prison

Dostoyevsky’s The Memoir from the House of the Dead can be simply described as dark, sad story of those who were man, for their crimes, are sentenced for prison, and women are simply prostitutes who can satisfy their needs.
Having read this book I wondered how could it possibly be staged and more over how could it be performed as an opera.

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“Little girls from the city of pope”

We all well know that Picasso’s Demoiselles D’Avignon is a modern painting, no doubt. However, what I find really intriguing is the reason for him to chose to paint in that style and the title he gave to this art piece.

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Dancing Girls

Spending my Thanksgiving in the faraway land of Montana, I am not truthfully exposed to art of any kind. I saw a painting or two made by a local artist nevertheless it did steer any particular emotions in me. However, today, scoping through one of art albums in a bookstore I came across a painting like nothing I have ever seen before. The painting, Dancing Girls, is made by an Iraqi painter- Hafiz Drubi. It is in a way a representation of Cubism, but in another its opposition.

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And what do the Markers mark?

In the center of a park on crossroad of 23rd Street and Broadway five black and white sculptures stand tall and proud. One, who walks by there on their way to work might never give it any attention, another, who is searching places like this one might be charmed and inspired by it.

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A dance of bows

As I had entered the Alexander Sting Quartet performance at Baruch I promised myself to break the everlasting love hate relationship between classical music and me. I decided to look for elements that I had never noticed before, something that will help me stay focus, and appreciate what I was presented with.

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