
Grand DanceSport Cup

 When dancing, you are free to let go of all your stresses and paint a picture with your body and feet. That is the reason I dance and the reason I love it so much. There is nothing better than after a long day of school and/or work than to just go out onto the dance floor and practice with your partner. Through this process of practicing and working out problems in connection between the two bodies, you and your partner become one entity. You form a bond with your partner that cannot be replicated even in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. 

Individual Event #1: Cultural Shock @ Columbia University


    On November 21, 2009, I attended a event in one of the auditoriums of Columbia University. Firstly, the campus was very grand and beautifully made. It’s a realm of nature with large green fields within the concrete urban surrounding it. 


Traveling from Staten Island to Baruch College, I always get to see at least 2 street performances. This is why most of the time I end up with no change for my bag of chips or the extra dollar to buy myself a drink between breaks. It's because I love the street performers and performances so much, I am bound to give them some support/ contribution (money). Whether the the performers are playing an instrument, doing magic tricks, dancing, or singing, they're usually not given the attention as they deserve, which upsets me many times.

BAM: Quartett (I Wish I Knew French)

I wish I knew French while watching Quartett. If I did, I would have been able to concentrate on the actors more as well as understand the content further. I did notice the performers moved very subtly to the music and made sudden movements and gestures according to the music, as learned that Muller followed the score of each music piece. Also, the text itself was amazingly well thought out in making the adultery and hatred and love, smash together at the center of the character's dialogues and monologues; least to say, I loved the entire play.

My thoughts on The Nutcracker

I was able to watch The Nutcracker today in the library, and I remember from the various other times in my life when I saw the ballet, I loved it, and it was sort of a Christmas tradition for a few years. However, at least for the version I saw, I really didn't like it. It was sappy and insipid, overly sweet and gaudy like watching It's a Wonderful Life while listening to Pat Boone singing Christmas songs, and reading a bunch of Hallmark cards.

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