Art that I can Enjoy in 2 Ways

It was my aunt's birthday today! Instead of going out for lunch, she wanted to stay home. It was a nice chance for the whole family to get together at meal time. Food always helps bring us together. My mom and aunt cooked the meal, much like they always do, except this time, they had to make bigger portions because our family eats alot. I like the smell from the kitchen floating through the house. I hadn't noticed while they were cooking, but once everything was prepared, and the table was set, the colors all came together.

I usually eat first, and ask questions later or while I'm eating. This time, something new happened! Before I started eating, I noticed how pretty the dishes were. The food came in greens, reds, browns, orange, and in all different shades of each of these colors. Just looking at the table made me feel happy and full (but still hungry). Each color corresponds to a taste. The greens are the vegetables that have a softer taste. The reds are usually spicy and tantalize your taste buds. The brown meat is well-cooked and marinated with korean barbecue sauce. All these natural colors and tastes made the table look like it was a displaycase at a museum, presenting works of art to the audience. Food that is pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the taste is an unparalleled form of art. And when this art has the power to bring together the people that you love, it is priceless.

Food sustains us, and art helps empower us. Combining the two gives us the best of both worlds. My mom and aunt are artists. They set the table and prepared the food in a detailed way that only they know. Thanks to them, my family and I are able to enjoy the taste and admire the appearance of what we eat every day.