BAM theatre : Quartet

 After arriving at the theater, I realized the place in itself was a real beauty. It looked a bit run down but in a classy, timeless way rather than dirty and unkempt. As the performance began I noticed that there were five actors which contrasts the traditional two actors that play four roles. Additionally, the fifth actor played a fifth role which was not seen in the original script. His exact purpose still remains fuzzy to me, but he seemed to be the ice breaker, the comedian, the entertainer. As the show continued, I noticed that they spoke in french, though originally I had believed it to be Latin. I really believed that this language added a certain unique spice to the play for as we know, French is the language of love ( a theme of the play). Moreover, the audience was not left lost for there was a direct english translation on a screen above.Furthermore, I noticed that the music played an overly important role in this play. It was the source of suspense, emotion, and what tied each action together.

The beginning scene of the play to me was quite strange. There was little movement going on but strong dialogue or better said noises. When the music was quiet down, suddenly an actor would laugh evilly and partly ominously. then another actor would start screaming. It was all very sudden, leaving the audience confused and dazed at once. And then when there was actual dialogue, the content of it was quite sexual, promiscuous, and violent. The actors spoke very seriously throughout the whole matter, never quite explicitly lusting the other. The final scene of the play when Marquise repeats the phrase "Death to a whore, now we are alone, cancer to my lover" is my favorite part. The darkness of the stage with the blue lighting makes the mood tragic and Marquise seem depressed. I felt the scene was very powerful and pulled one's heart strings. All in all, the performance was far from conventional, strange at moments, but ultimately a success and very well played.