Common Event: Poem readings

 Of the first woman's readings, I found the "bitten nipple" poem the most interesting. This was probably a result of it having such a violently unexpected plot. During the question and answer session, the artist explained that she got the idea to write such poem after having heard the experience from a peer. The story goes that a woman was gang raped by her boyfriend and friends and yet after such a traumatic experience, she continued to be with him. Shocked by this, the artist wrote a poem in which she poses questions on the values a woman stands by.


The next artist had a unique way of reading her poems. Her voice was soothing and each word seemed to slip off her tongue. Moreover, in one particular poem, she actually sang certain sections, having been inspired by her mother who was a muscian. I especially enjoyed the comparisons she made such as "falls into the soup like a drunken crouton" because it offers such a vivid and simultaneously playful image. Another line that caught my attention was "Momma died and daddy tried to marry his vice," for it carries underlying deep emotional meanings.

The following speaker was a male who read with such a dynamic voice. I felt like each of his phrases were so unique and cleverly put together. For instance, in his poem titled How to Disappear he describes how one only "becomes "something" when noticed when gone." This statement made me think of how art suddenly grows in value after the artist has passed away and only then is when we notice their talent. Another interesting line is when he describes the U.S saying "empty like his eyes, a vibrator for a love life, america you are an entire country with a post traumatic life." The statement was so truthful and daring all at once.

All in all, I felt that these poems were extremely well written but would lack that certain spice if they had not been read by the authors themselves. Moreover, I loved how each line held an unspoken truth, sometimes being exactly what the audience needed to hear.