A Day at the Hall

 How many first semester college students can say that they have had a sit down conversation with the creative director of Carnegie Hall? We can. In anticipation of seeing an evening performance of the class of 78's compositions at the Weill Recital Hall, we met with Jeremy Geffen that afternoon at Carnegie Hall. The first thing I noticed upon entering the room was the gorgeous view--the canopy of Central Park, with its fall colors starting to settle in, like great puffs of red, orange, and yellow cotton candy within seemingly plucking distance. It was not long before Mr. Geffen himself arrived and the conversation began. I found everything he said to be very interesting and insightful, and very rewarding not only for my own personal curiosity, but as a complementing our evenings engagement. What i found most remarkable was how far into the future they must plan, and how they in spite of that still seem to be on the spearhead of quality entertainment year after year.

The biggest treat, and a surprise at that, was to be given a tour of the stern auditorium which is the main and most grand performance space within Carnegie Hall. It was empty and this silence combined with its magnificence made the Stern auditorium's beauty startling. I was officially excited.


Even though the evening's performance was not within Stern, the intimacy of the Weill Recital Hall was just as special. Admittedly, i did find myself struggling to keep my eyes open for a good portion of the acts pre-intermission, but the second half was uncompromising in its ability to keep my attention, and my consciousness, focused on every note. I especially liked the final performance, where the passion and precision of each player was dazzling with its physical displays of emotion.

All in all the entire day was quite the experience. Its a privilege to have these opportunities available to us, and they should not be taken for granted.