Graffiti in New York

It's been bothering me for a while, but graffiti art in New York has always been a crazy form of art. I was driving down Queens blvd today and saw many different forms of graffiti art all along buildings and walls. People draw out names, people and other different images. I really have no idea what some of the images represent, but i'm sure there is deep meaning behind each and every one. Have you ever wondered how people can do graffiti all the way on top of buildings? Til this day, I am still left with that question unanswered. For example, while riding on the 7 train everyday to Baruch, I always see the same pieces of graffiti work, but how did people manage to draw the figures in the middle of a building or on top of building? We all see graffiti art everywhere we go, whether it's your block or several blocks down. Personally, I consider graffiti very creative artwork. It's hard to distinguish what the artist is trying to tell the viewer at times, but that's the beauty of it. Not many people scrutinize graffiti work on the street because they can care less, but if you ever do, there's a lot of meaning behind some of these images. The people who create these images along the buildings and walls put their hard time work into whatever they do and we should all take the time to appreciate it rather than consider it a bad thing. Although it is illegal, it is still a form of NYC art that will always be with us.