Markers Exhibit

     For our IDC presentation, my group and I were assigned the Markers exhibit in Madison Square Park. To be completely honest, I have passed by Madison Square Park tons of times but I had never noticed the exhibit before ! So when I went to view them, I was genuinely surprised by what I saw. The color of each of the sculptures contrast with the greenery around them and at first you don't really know what to make of the sculptures. Weirdly enough I thought of animals, then I thought of shapes, and then I decided just to read the description. When I read about how Mel Kendrick plays with the concept of addition and subtraction and how he makes art out of carving the interior of a piece of wood or concrete and makes that part the top of the first piece of wood or concrete, I thought it was the most creative thing ever! Its really interesting how he takes something old and makes it new and it goes well with his theory of conservation. The sculptures are really interesting and worth taking a look at. I wish I could have interacted with them but sadly they put up a gate and the closest you can see them is about thirty feet away! I also think that the Mel Kendrick shows an interesting way to shape solid material into unique pieces of art. It was a really cool exhibit to view.