NY Ink.

 Art, as defined by some, is the tangible expression of our views, passions, and talents. While this definition encompasses a large variety of pursuits, one that I find most interesting is tattooing. Although tattoos are viewed more today as unprofessional and more typical of young people, they have been around since ancient times. Past peoples have decorated their bodies with portrayals of their Gods, indications of their rank and social standing, and sentimental pieces with meanings only known to them. The latter, I find is the most beautiful. While there should definitely be an appreciation for fine artwork and imagery in a tattoo, I think the most important part is the significance of the art to the tattoo bearer. After all, what would art be without meaning? It would be just a picture or a painting, with no passion or interpretation behind it. Now, how does this relate to NY? In my opinion, New York City is home to some of the strongest personalities and most unique kinds of people. We are recognized around the world by our attitudes, accents, and outspokenness. This seems to me to be reminiscent of tattooing, which is a very “in your face” kind of art that is worn permanently by the bearer, representing the ideas that make them different from everyone else. So, if you see a tattoo that makes you scratch your head, I implore you to wonder or even ask about the personal meaning behind the image. You may be surprised with what you discover about the individual who is displaying it.

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