nyc art. cartoon

I choose this picture for many different reasons. Firstly, I think that the style of the picture is very representative of New York. It is very newspaper cartoon styled, which has always reminded me of something that belongs in the cartoon section of the New York Times, or the like. The cartoon seems to be making fun of the over-crowding of the number 6 line. That type of attitude is very representative of New Yorker’s attitude. This city is diverse enough and liberal enough that anyone has the freedom to point out and even mock anything they want.

 In addition it’s packed with so many details, which in itself reminds me of New York. You can look at it once and get the main picture, then look again and notice a different detail. As many times as I scanned the picture, each time I noticed something different about it. This is very much like the city we live in. If you come once you can get the general excitement of the city, but no matter how many times you come, each time you can walk away with something different. Each time you experience something different or develop a different idea.

            Besides the style of the picture, I think what the artist actually drew is the perfect depiction of New York. As soon as I saw the picture I immediately laughed and thought, “That is so true”.  I also really liked that while it was making fun of something that isn’t exactly a good aspect of New York life, it doesn’t seem all that bad either. Some of the people in the cartoon seem angry, but some seem not to even be bothered. It’s just truly representative of life in New York. Also does a good job of depicting the diversity within New York City. In my opinion this cartoon is an excellent example of New York City.