Snapshots NYC

 This past Sunday was the day of the Snapshot pictures and I took my pictures in riverside park. I actually took a whole bunch of photographs on mostly nature oriented subjects ranging from water to trees to rocks to sunlight. I noticed that in order to capture a beautiful shot, I did not necessarily need to prepare myself in any way. I did not give the photographs much thought in regards to angle, zoom, or even my body position itself. Nevertheless, each photograph was unique in its own way. Each image revealed its beauty by simply exposing nature itself. Every aspect of nature just seemed to attract eye attention and no single image seemed to exude monotony or dullness. For nature itself, is vibrant in color and swift in movement through the breeze and tree branches. Thus, this experience taught me of the beauty in nature and its ability to work magic in photographs.

As for my actual ideal neighborhood, I guess it would have to be a place where the city was nearby but without my residential area actually being in the midst of the city life. As cool as it is, I would prefer not going downstairs to busy, noisy streets and polluted air. Yet, I still do wish to live in the manhattan borough but perhaps in an area where there is less commercial business. On another note, the view of my apartment is essential to my living place. No one enjoys looking out the window to come face to face with other tall building walls. Such limitations give off the sense of captivity.  Instead, I would absolutely love to have a view of a park filled with trees. This kind of window view is pleasing to the soul as it relaxes you and helps one to forget their trouble even if it is just for the split second of when you absorb the sight. All in all, this event opened my eyes to the appraisal of nature and to the kind of environment, I feel most at home in.