November 4, 2012, Sunday, 308


From The Peopling of New York City

Creating an external link:
Highlight the text you want to link and click on the "external link" icon (the globe with a small piece of paper). You will see the text you chose encased in brackets

[Macaulay Honors College]. Inside the bracket, put the entire web address of the link inside the bracket to the left, then add a space followed by the text that you want to be linked (what you highlighted), followed by the end bracket: [ Macaulay Honors College] The link will appear like this: Macaulay Honors College

Creating an internal link:
Click on internal link. Inside the [[]], type the name of the internal page. This name will appear on the page as the link. If you want the link text to be something other than the page name, follow the name of the page with a | and then whatever you want the link to say. For example, to link to the Help page that is called Help:Contents, type Help. The word Help will appear as a hyperlink to the Help:Contents page
Uploading a photo to the wiki:
In the sidebar, under toolbox, click "Upload file". Note: In some skins, you will not see this link. If that is the case, find the link for "special pages" and select the "Upload File" page.
Next to the Source filename, click Browse to locate the file on your computer.
Change the Destination filename to something descriptive, if necessary.
Fill in the Summary, if necessary.
Click the Upload file button.
To use an image or other file which has been uploaded to the wiki, use:
If you add a pipe (|) and some text after the filename, the text will be used as alternative text for text-only browsers:
               [[Image:Example.jpg|alternative text]]
If you don't want to display the image, you can link to the file's description page, by adding a colon:
To bypass the description page and link directly to a file, use the "Media" pseudo-namespace:
You can also make piped links if you want some other text to be used:
   		[[:Image:Example.jpg|link text]]
   		[[Media:Example.jpg|link text]]
More information on formatting images can be found here:Image Help

How do I create a page? 
The simplest way to create a new page is to type the name of the page in the Find bar (left hand side of page) and then hit "Go". It will tell you that no such page exists and do you want to create it. Click yes, then type your page content! It's that easy. Of course, you or someone else can edit it later as needed. If you know the page already exists, but it says it doesn't, then check your spelling and formatting. For example, this page is titled "Help" but the url is "Help:Contents".
How do I edit a page?
Use edit button which can be found in several places
It is a good idea to preview your changes before you save; but don't forget to save!
How do I find pages?
The difference between "go" and "search" :
Using the "go" button will take you directly to the term that you searched, provided that you have entered the exact text of an article that exists.
The "search" button does a search of the site to match your search terms with keywords from each article.
Can I see some cool examples of other wikis?
Columbia University's Social Justice Wiki
A Wikimedia example
The Great Lakes Wiki
Oh yes. Star Trek, baby. (Star Trek for the win!)
A Consumer Wiki
And of course, Wikipedia (duh!)

Below are some links to help you with the "how tos" of the WikiMedia.

Configuration Settings


Users Guide

Help Contents

Formatting Codes - Very Helpful!

Formatting Images

Formatting Links

Formatting Tables

Creating and Editing Categories

Editing the Navigation Bar (you need admin access to do this in this Wiki)