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Hello Inwood group,

As I pointed out in class, you guys are a bit short on the citations. The two NYTimes articles can be used for background information, but don't count as academic sources (like the journal articles do).

Your citations are heavy on ecology and not human use of the area. That seems appropriate because Inwood is special in that it is a relatively undisturbed "primeval" forest in Manhattan. It is fine if your wiki and poster focus on the historical ecology and not so much the human history. You should try to include info on the use of the area by Native Americans, and point out that the area is now potentially ecologically connected to the Bronx by the bridge. It is believed by many that wild turkeys, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, etc make their way across that bridge and others.

Some of the sources that you have listed may be difficult to obtain because they are in obscure journals. Do you actually have copies of all of them? If not, then try interlibrary loan.

You can borrow the Mannahatta book from me and make copies of relevant material. I also have a book with a chapter on Inwood that contains A LOT of excellent information. You should also arrange to borrow this book from me and make copies.

Your trapping pictures are good. As with the other groups, I suggest that your poster contains a large section on the ecological history of the park, and then a shorter section with lots of pictures on your trapping survey. The botflies are pretty gross and striking...try to find out some information on them and what their ecological role may be. You should also think about why species like white-footed mice or short-tailed shrews are important in the ecosystem.

Can you find any historical maps, figures or photos on Inwood? When and how was this park created? Why was a primeval forest preserved in Manhattan? Who was protecting it for so many years? I'm guessing that it was part of someone's private estate, but I don't actually know.

Regards, Jason

Hello Inwood group,

I am going to jot down some comments here before our conference tomorrow.

Can you better integrate the map and photo at the top of the wiki? They need captions for one...who took the photo, and what is it a picture of?

The 1932 map is pretty great, but you need a citation for where you found it!

What are the "reconstructive view" maps and where did you get them?

The archeological information is great, but citations are needed! If you have more information on these tribal groups, then please include it! It is a real strength of your wiki and site.

You mention when the park was created. Can you give any information on who owned the area after the Indians but before the park status? Why was it purchased? Why is it called Inwood?

WHat is the role of Inwood in today's NYC society? You cite a few articles about trees being cut down but don't mention them...what is the story of Inwood today from the perspective of NYC residents?

At the beginning of the ecology section, can you tell us what forest type was in Inwood Hill in 1609 (hint: the Mannahatta website can tell you! Link to their website and tell us what the forest types were in Inwood). What were the dominant tree species?

Can you provide common names for the trees you mention from the Loeb paper?

What are the ecological implications of the predominance of wineberry in Inwood? Can you provide pictures of any of the other important species that you mention?

The small mammal section needs to be rewritten. You guys can mention that you conducted a three-night small mammal trapping survey. What were the methods? What did you capture? What does this tell you about the ecology of Inwood? The botflies are really a small part of the story.

The geology section could be beefed up with information from lecture and from the paper I gave you. When and how were Inwood Schist and marble formed, for example? Can you link to geology walking tours in Inwood (hint: check Merguerian's website).

The "Land Use" section seems out of order. That could be a bridge between the historical and ecological sections of the wiki.

Can you include any more of your photos directly in the wiki with captions?

You cite some great papers about the ecological history of Inwood, but don't include much information on them in the wiki. Did you actually get access to these papers (use interlibrary loan!). At the very least, you should be able to access the abstracts.

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