aimee_xoxo's blog

Independent Visit #1 Museum of Art and Design

 Last week I went to the Museum of Art and Design with Jerrica and Laura, and it was FASCINATING ! The exhibit was called Slash and it was different art pieces made completely out of paper. All the artwork was done so meticulously and refined that it was hard to believe it was made solely out of paper. The life-sized man was so weirdly fascinating to me. It was composed of colored paper with the exact parts of the body on the paper, fitting perfectly to form the man's body and looking unbelievably real.

Alexander String Quartet

The string quartet performance at Baruch was something I personally enjoyed. I played the violin for four years and really enjoyed learning about one of the most difficult instruments to master. So knowing ahead of time that this was a string quartet made me want to attend even more. As others have remarked, I too was shocked at the recital hall that Baruch almost secretly has. Sadly I probably would not have come across it, had it not been for the concert. It was small and the stage was relatively close to the audience, making the concert more in touch with the people attending it.

MoMA:Demoiselles d'Avignon

During this past week, I went to see the painting by Pablo Picasso titled Demoiselles d' Avignon . It is an enormously large oil painting that is of five naked women posing provocatively and sexually. If I had not read the text of the painting I probably would not have grasped the context of the painting or know what to make of it. The women in the painting are supposed to be prostitutes and inside a brothel located on the street of Avignon in Barcelona.

BAM:Quartett play

I'm not even sure what adjectives I should use to describe the the play on Tuesday. It was different and interesting to say the least, and it was hard not to pay attention. I loved how the play was completely in French, even though it was difficult to adjust to reading the subtitles and watching the actors. The way the characters spoke so smoothly and elegantly was mesmerizing, it made me want to learn the language and understand what they were saying as they were saying it. I felt like I would have grasped the emotions of the characters better if I was able to see them as they spoke.

music is great !

On Friday I decided to accompany my friend to watch her favorite musical artist, Ryan Leslie, perform at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square. To be honest, I wasn't exactly excited to go because I hardly listen to his music and I didn't think much of him as a musical artist. I thought he was an excellent musical producer but that was about it. After the concert on Friday, I have to say my whole perception as him as an artist completely changed. He is extremely talented not only did he sing beautifully but he also played multiple instruments such as the piano and guitar really well.

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