I really enjoyed our class visit to the MOMA on Wednesday. I think that going there as a class and actually talking to eachother about the art work makes them even more interesting. When I first went to the MOMA on my own I must admit I walked passed Piet Mondrian's art work. They were just lines on a canvas to me. I felt like I could paint them on my own if I wanted to. But now that we talked about them I realize they are just not lines on a canvas. They have very deep meanings. I really liked the spirituality of them. The lines continue even off of the canvas. They never end. It's like Mondrian's saying that there is more out there then we see. Maybe he is saying that even after death we continue living on. A person never stops being, they are always around some how. My favorite painting we saw by Mondrian was Broadway Boogie Woogie. This painting made me laugh and just stuck out to me. It reminds me so much of New York. When I look at this painting the lines remind me of streets. I feel like the whole painting is bright just like the city is. I think that this painting could be Broadway at night time. The lights seem to flicker and stick out in the night. I think Blue and red blocks are the buildings that surround Broadway. I even think that the white parts of the painting could possibly be buildings also. I am really happy that my eyes were opened to Mondrian. Next time I visit the MOMA I will definetly stop and stare at his works.